ERM Announcements, January 15, 2022

Dear ERM members,

I hope each of you are doing well. I’ve been back at work for the past two weeks—it’s been a bumpy re-entry as I have adjusted to life after sabbatical as well as a number of additional work responsibilities. Honestly, it feels more like a month than just two weeks since I last sent out our ERM announcements.

I’ve also be grappling with the realities that many of you are facing about rising COVID numbers, decisions about teaching modalities, student needs, and the lack of childcare. I am sending commiseration and a virtual hug.

On Monday, my university is observing the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, which is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service. This day is not only to honor the legacy of King but also to focus on the issues of civil rights and continued racism, highlights the use of nonviolence to promote change, and is a call for people to engage in public service. As you think about this day, I encourage you to not only take a pause from work but also to consider how you might serve or educate yourself about King’s legacy or anti-racism. I’ll be reading some books about King from our local library with my toddler and donating to The King Center. I’d love to hear if you are doing anything in particular as well!

All my best,

ERM Announcements for 1/15/2022
General Announcements
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Research Experience on the Internet of Things (IoT) for Undergraduates at the University of Central Florida
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: The Engineering Education Research Peer Reviewer Training Program

Position Announcements
POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant / Associate / Full Professor in Engineering Education at Arizona State University
POSITIONS ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple faculty positions in The Gallogly College of Engineering at the University of Oklahoma (OU)
POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral position in Engineering Pedagogy at Cornell University
POSITIONS ANNOUNCEMENT: Two Faculty Positions in Chemical and Materials Engineering Department at The University of Alberta
POSITIONS ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Faculty Positions at Humboldt State University

General Announcements

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Research Experience on the Internet of Things (IoT) for Undergraduates at the University of Central Florida

The Computer Science Department at the University of Central Florida (Orlando, FL) will hold an 8‐week, 2022 Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) on the Internet of Things REU students will be trained in research‐based theory and applications of IoT technologies, which extends the connected nature of computing devices to objects of the physical world. The REU students will join well‐established research groups under the close supervision of faculty with expertise in various IoT research areas such as smart cities, smart healthcare, and smart grids. Many of the research topics will require the students to utilize state-of-the-art techniques of artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics.

REU program dates: May 24, 2022 ‐ July 15, 2022

Application deadline: March 4, 2022

Eligibility requirements:
· Sophomore, junior or senior undergraduates
· Majors: computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, and mechanical engineering
· Must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents
· Minimum overall GPA 2.7

Program Benefits: $4,800 stipend, travel allowance, UCF on-campus housing, daily meal allowance

Interested students must submit applications online at If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Damla Turgut at


The Journal of Engineering Education (JEE), which serves to cultivate, disseminate, and archive scholarly research in engineering education, is currently accepting applications for one or more volunteer Associate Editors. Associate Editors are an integral part of the JEE Editorial Board and ensure the quality and timeliness of published material. Associate Editors serve 3-year terms that may be renewed.

An Associate Editor’s primary responsibilities are (1) reading manuscripts submitted to JEE, (2) recruiting and selecting reviewers to review the manuscripts, (3) synthesizing reviewers’ comments and feedback, (4) integrating that feedback with their own evaluative and constructive report reflecting the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript, and (5) making a recommendation to the JEE Editor. Other duties include attending quarterly (virtual) meetings of the JEE Editorial Board, selecting the annual Wickenden award winner, and completing various tasks related to maintaining the quality and relevance of JEE such as special issues and guest editorials. Generally, an Associate Editor will be assigned 12-16 manuscripts annually, and the duties of the position require approximately 8 – 12 hours per month.

To qualify for the position, an Associate Editor must have an earned doctoral degree, be an active researcher in engineering education or a related field, and have experience publishing in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education research. Preferred qualifications include previous experience as a peer reviewer of a scholarly journal, publication experience in peer-reviewed journals, and rank at the associate professor (or equivalent) level. In particular, Associate Editors with expertise in diversity, equity and inclusion, quantitative methods, are sought, but all areas will be considered. If interested, please submit a cover letter, CV and list of references to Lisa Benson, JEE Editor (as of July 1) via email to Teri Garrett ( by February 28, 2022. In your cover letter, please describe why you wish to serve as a JEE Associate Editor and the special skills and abilities you could contribute in this role (e.g., research methods, content knowledge, work experience), especially as they pertain to responsibilities and qualifications for the position.


The Journal of Engineering Education (JEE), which serves to cultivate, disseminate, and archive scholarly research in engineering education, is introducing a new position on the Editorial Board: Assistant Editor. This position was created to increase the diversity of voices contributing to the scholarship published in JEE and to provide opportunities for non-tenure-track and pre-tenure faculty in the editorial process.

Similar to an academic ranking of Assistant Professor, the Assistant Editor position is appropriate for early career scholars who want to gain experience in the editorial and review processes at JEE. We are currently accepting applications for one or more Assistant Editors. Like Associate Editors and Senior Associate Editors, Assistant Editors are an integral part of the JEE Editorial Board and ensure the quality and timeliness of published material. Assistant Editors serve 12-month terms that may be renewed.
An Assistant Editor’s primary responsibilities are (1) reading manuscripts submitted to JEE that are assigned to them by the Editor or a Deputy Editor, (2) recruiting and selecting reviewers to review the manuscripts, (3) synthesizing reviewers’ comments and feedback, (4) integrating that feedback with their own evaluative and constructive report reflecting the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript, and (5) making a recommendation to the JEE Editor or Deputy Editor. Other duties include attending quarterly (virtual) meetings of the JEE Editorial Board, helping to select the annual Wickenden award winner, and completing various tasks related to maintaining the quality and relevance of JEE such as special issues and guest editorials. Typically, an Assistant Editor will be assigned six manuscripts within a 12-month period, and the duties of the position will require approximately four to six hours per month.

To qualify for the position, an Assistant Editor must have an earned doctoral degree, be an active researcher in engineering education or a related field, and have experience reviewing in the field of discipline-based education research. Preferred qualifications include previous experience as a peer reviewer of a scholarly journal and rank at the assistant professor (or equivalent) level. In particular, Assistant Editors with expertise in diversity, equity and inclusion are sought, but all areas will be considered. If interested, please submit a cover letter, CV and list of references to Lisa Benson, JEE Editor, via email to Teri Garrett ( by February 28, 2022. In your cover letter, please describe why you wish to serve as a JEE Assistant Editor and the special skills and abilities you could contribute in this role (e.g., research methods, content knowledge, work experience), especially as they pertain to responsibilities and qualifications for the position.

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: The Engineering Education Research Peer Reviewer Training Program

The Engineering Education Research (EER) Peer Reviewer Training Program (PERT) aims to boost peer review skills and connect participants to the EER community. We have two opportunities for professional development this spring.

Join us at CoNECD on February 20 for a pre-conference workshop, “Peer Reviewing: Cultivating an Equitable and Inclusive Scholarly Community” (2 – 4 pm). More information about CoNECD workshops can be found here:

If you are new to proposal reviewing and writing, the PERT team is piloting a proposal reviewer training program. We presume that applicants have some level of experience with EER, but minimal experience in reviewing EER scholarship, prior to beginning the program

Participants will work on a team consisting of a mentor and mentees to peer review three proposals submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) but which are not currently under review. Participants will then serve on a mock panel, discussing six proposals (including the three reviewed with your team) and then writing a panel summary .

Important dates for the EER Proposal PERT Program:

Applications due: February 15
Participants notified: February 25
Orientation session: Tuesday, March 8 from 4-6pm Eastern OR Thursday, March 10 from 1-3pm Eastern. (Attendance is mandatory; participants only need to attend one of these sessions.)
Team review of proposals: Times TBA between March 8 – May 15, scheduled based on availability within each team.
Mock panel reviews: May 24 – 25, times TBA. (Attendance is mandatory.)

Participants will receive a small stipend of $1000 for participating in the program evaluation process.

Apply here:
More information here:
Contact Lisa Benson ( if you have questions.

Position Announcements

POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant / Associate / Full Professor in Engineering Education at Arizona State University

The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU) and The Polytechnic School (TPS) seeks applicants for a tenure-track or tenured faculty position in engineering education. TPS is located on ASU’s Polytechnic, a 600-acre campus in a scenic desert arboretum in Mesa, AZ. The Polytechnic School includes more than 70 faculty, nearly 6,500 students, four fully online degree programs and two PhD programs – Engineering Education Systems and Design (EESD) and Human Systems Engineering. Tenured and tenure track faculty members in the Fulton Schools of Engineering (FSE) are expected to develop an internationally recognized and externally funded research program, adopt effective pedagogical practices in the development and delivery of graduate and undergraduate courses, mentor both undergraduate and graduate student research and projects, and undertake service activities within the institution and within their scholarly/professional communities. The successful applicant for this position will be able to teach courses both at the doctoral level within the EESD program and at the undergraduate and/or graduate levels within the TPS engineering programs. They will also contribute positively to continuous improvement and cultivation of a diverse, equitable, inclusive and belonging environment for our faculty, students, and staff.

Required qualifications are an earned doctorate in engineering, engineering education, or a field closely related to the stated research and teaching focus of this position, by the time of appointment; minimum of one degree at the Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral level in an engineering discipline; demonstrated evidence of educational research capability. Application deadline is January 21, 2022. Applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis for a reserve pool. Applications in the reserve pool may then be reviewed in the order in which they were received until the position is filled. Appointments will be at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor rank commensurate with the candidate’s experience and accomplishments, beginning August 2022.

For full position details, and to apply, visit this link. For questions about the position, please contact search committee chair, Jennifer Bekki, at

POSITIONS ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple faculty positions in The Gallogly College of Engineering at the University of Oklahoma (OU)

The University of Oklahoma Gallogly College of Engineering currently has 28 open faculty positions across all schools in the college. These positions include tenure-track positions in academic schools as well as ranked renewable-term positions to support our engineering curriculum.

OU is committed to building additional strength in engineering through recruiting, retention, and research as we work to achieve the ambitious goals of our strategic plan ( GCoE currently enrolls 3200 undergraduate students and 800 graduate students; our undergraduate student body is diverse with 29% of our students reporting their identity as URM and 25% reporting their identity as women. We seek faculty candidates who are committed to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion and who practice those values in all activities of faculty activity. For more information about the University of Oklahoma, visit To apply for a faculty position, you may use Soonerway and filter by engineering program, or you may navigate to the link to view our webpage.

POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral position in Engineering Pedagogy at Cornell University

The Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering (BEE) invites applications for a postdoctoral position in Engineering Pedagogy, specifically in implementing active learning strategies at the individual course and the curriculum level. The candidate is also expected to have a research program in mathematical modeling and engineering simulations. The position is part of the Cornell’s Active Learning Initiative (ALI):

A Ph.D. in an engineering discipline with demonstrated experience and success in the classroom are required. The candidate must have relevant background in at least two of the following areas: solid mechanics, transport phenomena, computational modeling, and multiphase transport in porous media. The candidate should have a strong interest in creating and/or applying active learning strategies and advancing engineering pedagogy.

Anticipated start date is as soon as possible. Applications including a CV, a statement of teaching experience and pedagogy development, research interests, and the names of at least three references should be submitted to the Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering. Applications will be reviewed starting January 15, 2022 and will be accepted until this position is filled. A statement of contribution to diversity, equity, and inclusion is also required, please submit your application via Academic Jobs Online at the following link: If you have any questions, please contact Ashim Datta (

POSITIONS ANNOUNCEMENT: Two Faculty Positions in Chemical and Materials Engineering Department at The University of Alberta

The University of Alberta’s Chemical and Materials Engineering Department is hiring for two faculty positions, one in sustainable energy systems (focusing on LCA and techno-commercial analysis), and the other on materials for energy. For further information and how to apply please refer to the links below.

For application submission, please contact

POSITIONS ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Faculty Positions at Humboldt State University

Humboldt State University is becoming a Polytechnic this year and is starting new programs in Mechanical Engineering and Energy Engineering. In addition, we are partnering with our Native American Studies program to start a new master’s program. We are hiring three or four new faculty this year and will hire more faculty next year. Applications are due January 17, 2022! Please refer to these links: Native American Studies and Engineering Hire ( and Engineering Cluster Hire (