ERM Announcements, October 15, 2019

ERM Announcements for 10/15

  1. ERM ANNOUNCEMENT: ERM Business Meeting at FIE 2019
  2. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION:  Engineering PhD Research Experiences Study
  3. NSF ANNOUNCEMENT:  Updated solicitation for NSF Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) Program
  4. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS AND PARTICIPATION:  Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering
  5. ASSISTANT EDITOR SEARCH:  Chemical Engineering Education – Assistant Editors Search
  6. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT:  Assistant Professor of Practice, Master of Engineering Management Program
  7. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT:  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – Teaching postdoc position
  8. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: University of Georgia, Lecturer Position in Electrical or Computer Engineering
  9. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT:  California State University,  Los Angeles – Assistant Professor positions in EE, ME, CE and CS
  10. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT:  California State University,  Los Angeles – Visiting Professor in Engineering Education
  11. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Associate Assistant/Associate Professor (Tenured Position), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott in ALL Engineering Departments
  12. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-track Assistant Professors, Learning Sciences, University of Buffalo, SUNY
  13. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT:  Associate/Full Professor, Learning Sciences, University of Buffalo, SUNY
  14. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT:  Faculty position in the Department of Engineering Education at University at Buffalo
  15. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT:  4 Postdoc-Level Positions in STEM Education at Texas State University (1 program-focused; 3 research-focused)
  16. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT:  Tenure/Tenure Track Faculty Search at Arizona State University
  17. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT:  Joint Lecturer and Research Assistant Professor, Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program, Tickle College of Engineering, University of Tennessee
  18. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT:  Postdoctoral Position in EER at New Jersey Institute of Technology
  19. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Clemson University, Assistant or Associate Professor in Engineering and Science Education
  20. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant, Associate, Full Professors in Cyber Security & High Assurance Computing at the University of Missouri-Columbia
  21. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure Track/Tenured Faculty Position in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  22. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant or Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Houghton College


  1. ERM ANNOUNCEMENT: ERM Business Meeting at FIE 2019

The ERM business meeting at the Frontiers in Education (FIE) conference will be held this Thursday, October 17 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Kentucky room of the Marriott Cincinnati Riverside.  The agenda for the meeting and the consent agenda are attached.

Agenda items will include the following:

  • Update on ERM Finances
  • Update on suggested revisions to the Apprentice Faculty Grant (AFG) award
  • Opportunities to get involved with ERM
  • Strategic goals discussion


  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION:  Engineering PhD Research Experiences Study

We are researchers at Purdue University studying how the research experiences of engineering PhD students prepare them for professional practice. We are hoping that this message and the survey link below are shared by students, faculty, and professionals across engineering. The purpose of this study is to advance basic knowledge about the variation and scope of the engineering PhD student research experiences so that the results could be shared with the wider community to influence change for education and evaluation purposes.

We are asking engineering PhD students to participate in an online survey about their PhD research experiences. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Answers will remain completely confidential. The survey will ask questions about a student’s current PhD research experiences and research group organization style. A student must be 18 years or older and an engineering PhD student to participate in the study. Please click the link below for more information and to begin the survey:

For questions, please contact PI Kerrie Douglas ( or graduate student Eric Holloway (


  1. NSF ANNOUNCEMENT:  Updated solicitation for NSF Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) Program

NSF announces an updated solicitation for the Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) program, and it includes two tracks: (i) Innovation, and (ii) Adaptation and Implementation (A&I). The goal of the RED program is to catalyze revolutionary, not incrementally reformist, changes to the education of the next generation of engineers. Revolutionary means radically, suddenly, or completely new; producing fundamental, structural change; or going outside of or beyond existing norms and principles. For details and deadline, please see the new solicitation NSF 19-614. Please direct inquiries to Program Director Edward Berger, A RED informational webinar will be held on 10/09/2019 (register). The webinar will be recorded and will be available for review on the program webpage.

We encourage you to contact the Program Director before committing to write your proposal.


RED solicitation/program webpage:

Webinar registration:


  1. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS AND PARTICIPATION: Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering

Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering (JWM), under new Editor-in-Chief Julie P. Martin, is accepting nominations for Associate Editors and reviewers. Self-nominations are encouraged! Please see JWM’s new vision along with our updated Aims &Scope below—will you join us in making this vision happen? To nominate yourself or a colleague for either role, or if you have questions or comments, please email Julie at the subject line “JWM” for more information.

Our vision for JWM is to be a force for nurturing the community of diversity and inclusion scholarship and practice in STEM, and is a place where:

–  Authors feel supported in their life’s work and receive fair, constructive, and timely feedback

–  Reviewers practice the art of constructive feedback so that each review is a tangible contribution towards creating a constructive and supportive culture for academic publishing in STEM education.

–  Associate Editors create a community dedicated to holding our field to a higher standard in how we treat each other and our life’s work. As individuals and as a group, associate editors lead by example in creating a constructive culture for academic publishing.

Aims & Scope: The Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering publishes original, peer-reviewed papers that report on empirical investigations covering a variety of topics related to achieving inclusion of historically underrepresented and minoritized populations in science and engineering education, academe, and professional practice. These populations include those who identify as people of color, white women, first generation college students, veterans, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, and the intersections of these and other identities. The journal especially welcomes research manuscripts that use theoretical frameworks and methodologies appropriate to the study of underrepresented and marginalized populations and/or use intersectional approaches. The Journal also publishes studies on novel educational innovations that hold promise for transferability to other contexts.


  1. ASSISTANT EDITOR SEARCH: Chemical Engineering Education – Assistant Editors Search

Chemical Engineering Education (CEE), the premier journal for educational scholarship in chemical engineering and related fields, is seeking applications for up to four (4) Assistant Editor positions available within the journal. CEE is published by the Chemical Engineering Division of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). Potential financial compensation for the Assistant Editor positions will be decided by the Publications Board on an annual basis. Each Assistant Editor position will handle paper editorial duties consistent with their interest and expertise.  Additionally, each Assistant Editor position will likely be assigned oversight and management over an aspect of the journal (e.g. social media, educator profiles, etc.).

For more information, please see


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor of Practice, Master of Engineering Management Program

The College of Engineering (CoE) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln ( seeks to hire a non-tenure track Assistant Professor of Practice in the Master of Engineering Management (MEM) program, to begin Fall 2019. The MEM is a professional graduate degree for working professionals. This non-thesis, 30-credit-hour program prepares students for managing the business challenges in their engineering career. In partnership with the MBA program at UNL, the MEM curriculum strikes a balance between business acumen and technical skills to effectively lead in an engineering environment. The program is fully online with no residency requirements and enrolls students that have undergraduate degrees in engineering, at least two years of work experience in engineering or a related field, and use employer tuition reimbursement plans to finance their education. For more details and application requirements see: Review of application materials will begin October 7, 2019 and continue until the position is filled.

Contact: Dr. Jena Shafai Asgarpoor, Director, Master of Engineering Management Program,


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – Teaching postdoc position

The Department of Computer Science (CS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications for the “Future Faculty” program. The Future Faculty Program is a selective program offering two-year postdoctoral positions whose goal is to mentor and prepare outstanding candidates for an academic career in research and teaching. Candidates will be paired with a faculty mentor who will serve as their research supervisor. In addition, interested candidates will have the opportunity to teach up to one course per semester with strong mentorship and logistic support that guides candidates in good pedagogical practices. Individuals in the program will be mentored through the faculty job search process and will have the opportunity to be considered for a faculty position at Illinois. Candidates in all areas of computer science are encouraged to apply. Applicants for this position are expected to have a PhD or equivalent degree in computer science or a closely related field.  ABD (all but degree) applicants may apply and confirmation of your completed degree requirements must be provided on or before the start date.

Apply Here:


  1. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: University of Georgia, Lecturer Position in Electrical or Computer Engineering

The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Georgia (UGA) invites applications for a non-tenure-track Lecturer position expected to begin in January 1, 2020. The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering is one of the three schools in the College of Engineering at UGA, which is one of the newest engineering colleges in the nation. The school consists of two undergraduate degree programs (Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems Engineering) as well as two graduate programs including M.S. in engineering and Ph.D. in engineering. Due to the unprecedented growth of our undergraduate programs, the primary duty of the selected candidate will be to teach 12 credit hours per semester. Successful applicants must be able to teach courses in electrical and computer systems engineering. Areas of particular teaching need include both lecture and laboratory instruction in the following general areas: Core first and second your courses in the ECE curriculum (Intro to ECE, Electrical Circuits and Electronics), ECE design courses (Design Methodologies and Senior Design Capstone), and Informatics (Introduction Informatics and Informatics Electives). A Ph.D. in Engineering or related discipline is required. Position responsibilities include effective classroom teaching of undergraduate courses, laboratory supervision, mentoring undergraduate engineering students, and working with other faculty on innovative teaching methods within the college’s growing instructional programs. Effective communication skills are required.

The university and College of Engineering offer programs to enhance the teaching skills of instructors.  Additionally, UGA’s College of Engineering is highly supportive of lecturers engaging with engineering education research and the educational research community through its cross-disciplinary Engineering Education Transformations Institute (EETI).  EETI offers financial and methodological support for technical engineering faculty seeking to engage in educational research, as well as annual grants to send interested lecturers to educational conferences (including ASEE.)

To apply, candidates should submit (1) letter of application indicating your teaching experience and interests, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) teaching philosophy/statement not exceeding 2 pages (4) unofficial transcripts, and (5) contact information for three references. Please submit application materials online at Questions related to the position may be directed to the school chair Dr. Fred R. Beyette Jr.,  The position will be open until filled. Applications received by November 1st, 2019 will be given full consideration.


  1. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT:  California State University, Los Angeles – Assistant Professor positions in EE, ME, CE and CS

The College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology at Cal State Los Angeles is searching for teacher-scholars in all departments! Cal State LA is a comprehensive urban university with a highly diverse population, ranked #1 in the nation for the upward mobility of its students. We are committed to the inclusive classroom and seek to hire faculty who will be committed to diverse undergraduate and masters-level student learning, as well as to developing funded research and projects with federal, local and regional partners. We invite applications for tenure-track faculty positions in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Aviation Administration, as well as for a Visiting Professor in Engineering Education. More detail on each position as well as application information can be found at


  1. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT:  California State University,  Los Angeles – Visiting Professor in Engineering Education

The College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology at Cal State Los Angeles is searching for teacher-scholars in all departments! Cal State LA is a comprehensive urban  university with a highly diverse population, ranked #1 in the nation for the upward mobility of its students. We are committed to the inclusive classroom and seek to hire faculty who will be committed to diverse undergraduate and masters-level student learning, as well as to developing funded research and projects with federal, local and regional partners. We invite applications for tenure-track faculty positions in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Aviation Administration, as well as for a Visiting Professor in Engineering Education. More detail on each position as well as application information can be found at


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Associate Assistant/Associate Professor (Tenured Position), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott in ALL Engineering Departments (Mechanical, Aerospace, and Computer/Electrical/Software Engineering)

Do you have a degree in electrical, computer, software, mechanical, or aerospace engineering? Do we have a job for you! The College of Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona, invites applications for tenure track positions in all of our departments at the Assistant or Associate Professor levels to start in Spring 2020 or Fall 2020.

The College is seeking candidates with strong interests in engineering education, a commitment to excellence in teaching and learning, an ability to perform applied research, as well as dedication to service and collegiality. Successful candidates will be expected to teach undergraduate courses and laboratory experiments, to collaborate with students on independent research and to supervise student projects. An earned doctorate in engineering or similar degree along with related experience is highly desired; however, candidates with a Master’s Degree and significant industry experience are strongly encouraged to apply.

A complete application package should consist of: (1) a cover letter including the date of availability, (2) a curriculum vita including contact information for at least three professional references, (3) a statement of teaching philosophy including a list of courses the candidate would like to teach or develop, and (4) a statement describing the candidate’s professional goals.

For the position of Assistant/Associate Professor of Computer, Electrical, or Software Engineering, the department is seeking multiple positions including someone to teach a two-semester senior design sequence. Contact Ed Post at for more information.

For the position of Assistant/Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, the department has an open search but is especially interested in candidates with experience in robotics. Contact Murat Okcay at for more information.

For the position of Assistant/Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering, the department has an open search. Contact Monty Moshier at for more information.


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-track Assistant Professors, Learning Sciences

The Graduate School of Education at the University at Buffalo, SUNY invites applications for two Assistant Professor (tenure-track) positions in the Learning Sciences, in the Department of Learning and Instruction. We seek a scholar with expertise in Mathematics Education for one position and Computer Science Education for the second position. The Department of Learning and Instruction has a long history of research excellence and a strong tradition of teaching and community engagement. Faculty demonstrate a commitment to creating a collegial academic environment characterized by equity, social justice, interdisciplinary collaboration, an ethic of care across all of their programs.

A full description of the positions, required and preferred qualifications, etc. can be seen and applications can be submitted at:

For questions about the positions contact Sam Abramovich, Associate Professor and Search Chair,, 716-645-3174


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT:  Associate/Full Professor, Learning Sciences, University of Buffalo, SUNY

The Graduate School of Education in the University at Buffalo, SUNY, invites applications for an Associate/Full Professor to lead a campus-wide, cluster-hire initiative in the Learning Sciences. This effort will lead to the establishment of a core group of prominent faculty in the disciplines of Learning Sciences, Human Computer Partnerships, Cognitive Psychology / Sciences, and Learning Environments. Our aim is to explore and investigate the impact of 21st century technologies on learning environments by answering such questions as: What affordances can artificial intelligence, human computer partnerships, and virtual reality bring to bear on our understanding of learning environments across the lifespan? How can learning technology impact accessibility, identity development, persistence, and perceptions, all within the current and future needs of society?

As the lead organization in this initiative, the Graduate School of Education seeks a candidate who would lead the effort to develop a team of scholars who share an interest in exploring how research can lead to better understandings of the interaction between technology, pedagogy, and environments while also considering the vital need to reduce persistent inequities. This initiative also serves UB’s goal of establishing, implementing, validating, and advocating pathways for translation and scaling of the best tested educational technologies within a diverse range of learning environments. The focus on translation and scaling of AI and other applicable technologies to problems of learning is critical to future priorities in learning across the lifespan. Central to the effectiveness of this initiative is a belief in the importance of cross- disciplinary translational research.

A full description of the positions, required and preferred qualifications, etc. can be seen and applications can be submitted at: For questions about the positions contact Sam Abramovich, Associate Professor and Search Chair,, 716-645-3174


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT:  Faculty position in the Department of Engineering Education at University at Buffalo

The Department of Engineering Education (DEE) at the University at Buffalo (UB) invites candidates to apply for the positions of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Full Professor. The DEE was recently formed and will advance modern pedagogical tools and teaching methods including the field of online education.

The successful candidate will be expected to teach courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels, mentor graduate students, advise students at all levels and maintain an active research program. Desirable areas of research expertise include but are not limited to, one or more of the following: diversity/inclusiveness/persistence; pedagogy; the science of learning; assessment, engineering epistemology and quantitative research methods.

Candidates must hold a doctorate in engineering education, engineering, computer science, or a related field. PhD must be conferred prior to appointment.

For more information about the position, please see If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Swenson


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: 4 Postdoc-Level Positions in STEM Education at Texas State University (1 program-focused; 3 research-focused)

We are advertising four postdoctoral-level positions related to instructional change in undergraduate STEM. The positions are associated with three recently awarded NSF grants: (1) “Building Capacity: Creating Faculty-Student Communities for Culturally Relevant Institutional Change” (2 positions); (2) “Furthering the Work of Undergraduate STEM Transformation: Modeling Instructional Change Teams”; and (3) “Developing Faculty Resources of Evidence-Based Practices that Improve Learning and Equity in STEM.” One of the positions will primarily focus on programmatic work and may involve synergistic research activities. The other three positions will primarily focus on research and will involve synergistic programmatic activities as appropriate.

Minimum qualifications for all positions are:

  • PhD in a STEM and/or Education field
  • Commitment to counteracting systemic inequities in STEM
  • Motivation and ability to engage with diverse students and junior researchers
  • Motivation and ability to engage with STEM faculty
  • Enthusiastic and motivated learner

Other desirable qualifications align with the responsibilities of each position. Candidates who identify with underrepresented minority groups are particularly encouraged to apply. The salary for each position is between $50,000-$55,000 per year. Review of applications will begin on November 20, 2019. Preferred start dates are between January 1 and May 1, 2020. Initial appointments will be for one year, renewable as funding remains available (3-5 years). Interested candidates should submit a 1-3 page cover letter and a CV to Questions can also be directed to this address. The cover letter should explain the candidate’s interest in one or more of the positions and why they are a good fit for the position(s), based on alignment with the required qualifications and any other desirable qualifications (e.g., past experience relevant to the job responsibilities). Candidates should clearly indicate in which position(s) they are interested in their letter. The cover letter should also specify a preferred state date and, if the candidate has not yet received their PhD, when they expect to receive it. If the candidate is requesting a remote work arrangement, this should also be specified in the letter. The CV should include a list of professional experiences, publications, and contact information for three professional references. Shortlisted candidates may be asked to submit a writing sample and three letters of recommendation. The full job ad with detailed descriptions of each position can be found at


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT:  Tenure/Tenure Track Faculty Search at Arizona State University

The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU) and The Polytechnic School (TPS) seeks applicants for a tenure-track or tenured faculty position in engineering education, beginning August, 2020.  We intentionally seek new faculty that will uniquely contribute to a culture where faculty thrive as individuals and scholars,  help advance our collective research agenda, and contribute to the teaching and mentoring missions of both our undergraduate engineering programs and Engineering Education Systems and Design (EESD) PhD Program. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to: 1) global and international contexts of engineering and engineering education, 2) online and technology-based learning in engineering education, and 3) enacting organizational change in engineering education settings.  See full job ad here:


  1. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT:  Joint Lecturer and Research Assistant Professor, Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program, Tickle College of Engineering, University of Tennessee

The Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program (CGCHP) in the Tickle College of Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, seeks a joint Lecturer and Research Assistant Professor to contribute to our honors program, honors courses, a growing effort in Engineering Education research, and an Engineering Education graduate certificate. These efforts continue the legacy of our innovative Jerry E. Stoneking engage™ Program and will be aided by the opening of a new, state-of-the-art engineering building in 2021. This position is a full-time, non-tenure-track, 9-month appointment. The University of Tennessee supports career paths in both the lecturer (lecturer, senior lecturer, distinguished lecturer) and research professor (assistant, associate, full) tracks. The responsibilities of this position will include a combination of teaching, research, and administration.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in an engineering (or related) discipline while a Ph.D. in engineering or STEM education is strongly preferred. Candidates must possess excellent communication skills, a solid commitment to progressive teaching methods, and show promise of developing a successful educational research program within the College. Evidence of college-level teaching and educational research is expected. Full consideration will be given to applications received before Nov 1. Applications should include: (1) a letter of interest, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a teaching statement, (4) a research statement, (5) the names and contact information for three professional references. Details on how to prepare and submit all materials can be found by following the link below. Questions about the position should be directed to Dr. Kevin Kit, Chair of the Search Committee, voice: 865.974.9874; email:

A more detailed description of the position and links to the Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program and Engineering Education Certificate Program can be found at


  1. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT:  Postdoctoral Position in EER at New Jersey Institute of Technology

The newly formed Engineering Education Unit at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) has a position available for a post-doctoral fellow. During this 12-month position, the postdoctoral fellow will participate in data collection and analysis, training and supervision of graduate and undergraduate students, preparing manuscripts, presenting at conferences, and grant writing. A portion of time will also be devoted to professional development experiences as identified by the fellow.

Ideal candidates should hold a Ph.D. in engineering education, higher education, STEM education or other related fields. Candidates nearing graduation are encouraged to apply. A successful candidate for this position requires strong quantitative and qualitative research knowledge and excellent writing skills. If you are interested in this position, please send your 1)

CV, 2) cover letter, 3) a writing sample (published or unpublished work) and 4) contact information for three references in a single PDF via via If you have any questions, please email Prateek Shekhar, Assistant Professor – Engineering Education ( This position will remain open until filled.

About NJIT:  NJIT is a public research university with a focus on STEM education. NJIT is categorized as an R1: Doctoral University of Higher Research Activity by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. It is consistently ranked among the highest in the country in return-on-investment (ROI) for its graduates and ranks among the top U.S. polytechnic universities in terms of research expenditures. The Newark College of Engineering at NJIT houses 5 engineering departments: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical

Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Chemical and Materials Engineering. The college also houses School of Applied Engineering and Technology offering engineering technology degrees to its students. NJIT has been noted in Diverse: Issues in Higher Education as top 100 producer of minority STEM graduates, top 100 producer of degrees in engineering awarded to African-American and Hispanic students.



  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Clemson University, Assistant or Associate Professor in Engineering and Science Education

The Department of Engineering and Science Education (ESED), located within the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Science at Clemson University, seeks applicants who are passionate about discipline-based education research for a tenure-track assistant or associate professor position. Candidates who engage in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) education research in any STEM discipline are encouraged to apply. Applicants should be able to teach STEM education courses at the graduate level and undergraduate courses in their STEM area of expertise. (See the ESED website for information on current classes and faculty areas of expertise: Applications from researchers who specialize in research methodology, or assessment and evaluation, and a commitment to diversity, inclusion and equity, are especially encouraged.

Applicants must have an earned doctorate in STEM education research (e.g., engineering education, mathematics education, or science education) or any STEM discipline with post-doctoral experience in STEM education research. Candidates must have a background in a STEM discipline, specifically a BS and/or MS degree in a STEM discipline.

Applicants should submit their curriculum vita, names and contact information of three references, and three statements explaining 1) research interests, 2) activities and plans for diversity, inclusion and equity, and 3) teaching philosophy (maximum two pages each) via Interfolio. Applications received by November 21, 2019, will be given full consideration; however, the search will continue until the position is filled. Anticipated start date is August 2020.  The full position description and a link to the application can be found at: For more information about this position, please contact the search committee chair, Lisa Benson at


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant, Associate, Full Professors in Cyber Security &

High Assurance Computing at the University of Missouri-Columbia

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Missouri seeks applications for five tenure-track/tenured positions at the rank of Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, starting Fall 2020. These five positions are part of a University of Missouri strategic initiative in Cyber Security and complement recent hiring in that area. The university has been recently designated as a NSA Cyber Defense-Center of Academic Excellence (Research) and is seeking to build on its success.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or a closely related field. Preferred candidates will have success in research, and a strong commitment to excellence in teaching. For a candidate seeking a position at the level of associate or full professor, a record of attracting external research funding appropriate to their rank is an essential factor. We also encourage applicants with a history of or an interest in interdisciplinary research. The focus of these hires will be in Cyber Security, broadly construed, including formal methods, systems, and theory. We are especially interested in: Hardware and Embedded Systems Security; Secure Software Engineering (including static binary analysis, language-based security, and software verification); Wireless Security; Cloud Security; and Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things.  Applications will be reviewed immediately upon receipt and will continue until the positions are filled.

Application: Applicants should submit a CV, a research plan, a teaching statement and a list of three to five professional references electronically to refer to Job ID 31546.  Inquiries can be directed to the search committee at


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure Track/Tenured Faculty Position in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

The Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Missouri (MU) invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor levels. Applications are sought from candidates with expertise in the traditional mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering disciplines. Areas of interest include design and manufacturing, aerospace structures and materials, aerodynamics, and computational fluid dynamics. Faculty research areas must address the college pillars of pursuit: 1) Educating Engineering Leaders, 2) Big Data Analytics, 3) Biomedical Innovations, and/or 4) Sustainability inFEWSed (Food, Energy, Water, Smart Cities). The successful candidate will be able to take part in the growth of the College of Engineering and join a rich environment for collaboration with other faculty in Arts & Science, Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing, Veterinary Medicine, and Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.

The candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and/or graduate courses in one of the following areas: manufacturing, aerospace structures, aerospace materials, and aerodynamics.

The COE encourages joint appointments with other colleges/schools (e.g., the College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, the College of Arts & Science). The COE encourages joint appointments with other colleges/schools (e.g., the College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, the College of Arts & Science).

Closing Dates: Applications will be reviewed beginning November 1, 2019 and will continue until the positions are filled. Anticipated start date is no later than August 15, 2020.

Application: Apply using the online system (

Please follow the instructions on the website, select job ID # 31180, and upload a cover letter, curriculum vita, a statement of research and teaching goals, a representative research paper, and contact information for at least three references.  Any questions regarding the application procedure may be directed to: Professor Noah Manring, Department Chair, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211. Email:


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant or Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Houghton College

The Department of Physics, Computer Science, and Engineering at Houghton College invites applications at the assistant or associate professor rank for up to two tenure-track positions in our electrical engineering program.  Ideal candidates will have earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, computer engineering, engineering education (with a background in electrical engineering) or a closely related field by the beginning of their appointment.  Our engineering program couples rigorous academics in a strong problem-based learning environment with a strong emphasis on active student engagement in real-world collaborative design projects.  We are dedicated to our mission to provide a Christ-centered engineering education, anchored in the liberal arts and sciences, and we see our engineering program as a strategic next step in preparing graduates who can serve the world in ways that honor God and improve the human condition.

Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be expected to teach a broad range of undergraduate courses in electrical engineering.  Other courses in introductory physics and general education may also be available.  Qualifications:   A Ph.D. in electrical engineering, computer engineering, engineering education or a closely related field is required. Previous teaching experience, experience with the ABET accreditation process, and experience in industry are all desirable.  Other important qualities for this position include a commitment to excellence and creativity in undergraduate teaching, strong interpersonal and leadership skills, a mature Christian faith and an interest in integration of faith and learning.  Academic rank and salary will be determined based on experience.

To apply, visit and follow the PROCEDURE FOR APPLICANTS.  Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.


To send an announcement to the ERM listserv, please prepare a 2-3 paragraph description including any relevant URLs and contact info as well as a subject line. Do not include any attachments. Be sure that the announcement includes the person to contact with questions.  Email all of this information to Sarah Zappe at with [ERM Announcement] in the subject line to facilitate email sorting. Announcements will be sent out on the 1st and 15th of each month.  Each set of announcements will be included in the announcements email twice. Announcements will also be recorded on the ERM website:


ERM Announcements, October 1, 2019

ERM Announcements for 10/1

ERM ANNOUNCEMENT: ERM Call for Papers for the 2020 ASEE
NSF ANNOUNCEMENT: Updated solicitation for NSF Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) Program
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS AND PARTICIPATION: Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Sharing Exemplary Admissions Practices that Promote Diversity in Engineering
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Purdue University, Engineering Education, Graduate Program Open House
POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: Joint Lecturer and Research Assistant Professor, Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program, Tickle College of Engineering, University of Tennessee
POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: Postdoctoral Position in EER at New Jersey Institute of Technology
POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Clemson University, Assistant or Associate Professor in Engineering and Science Education
POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant, Associate, Full Professors in Cyber Security & High Assurance Computing at the University of Missouri-Columbia
POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure Track/Tenured Faculty Position in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant or Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Houghton College
POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: Editor‐in‐Chief, Advances in Engineering Education
POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Assistant Professor of Practice in Civil Engineering
POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Assistant Professor of Engineering Education
POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: University of Portland, Dean of the Shiley School of Engineering
POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: University Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Teaching Faculty in Bioengineering
POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Tenure Track Positions in CS/SE

1. ERM ANNOUNCEMENT: ERM Call for Papers for the 2020 ASEE Conference

The Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) seeks paper, panel, and workshop proposals on topics related to ERM’s primary objectives: dissemination of knowledge on learning and teaching; dissemination of knowledge on diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering education; encouragement of efforts to improve instruction through development of innovative materials and techniques, sound instructional design, and improved evaluation methodology; and enhancement of the status of teaching in the university and beyond.

There are three types of submissions: Paper, Workshop, and Panel of Invited Speakers. There are four types of papers that will be considered: 1) Work in Progress (WIP), 2) Research, 3) Theory, and 4) Evidence-Based Practice.

It is expected that the author(s) of a submission will support the Division by reviewing both abstracts and manuscripts submitted for the Annual Conference.

Submission Opens: September 3, 2019

Deadline for paper abstracts: October 14, 2019

Deadline for workshop and panel proposals: October 14, 2019

The full call for submissions:

2. NSF ANNOUNCEMENT: Updated solicitation for NSF Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) Program

NSF announces an updated solicitation for the Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) program, and it includes two tracks: (i) Innovation, and (ii) Adaptation and Implementation (A&I). The goal of the RED program is to catalyze revolutionary, not incrementally reformist, changes to the education of the next generation of engineers. Revolutionary means radically, suddenly, or completely new; producing fundamental, structural change; or going outside of or beyond existing norms and principles. For details and deadline, please see the new solicitation NSF 19-614. Please direct inquiries to Program Director Edward Berger, A RED informational webinar will be held on 10/09/2019 (register). The webinar will be recorded and will be available for review on the program webpage.

We encourage you to contact the Program Director before committing to write your proposal.


RED solicitation/program webpage:

Webinar registration:

3. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS AND PARTICIPATION: Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering

Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering (JWM), under new Editor-in-Chief Julie P. Martin, is accepting nominations for Associate Editors and reviewers. Self-nominations are encouraged! Please see JWM’s new vision along with our updated Aims &Scope below—will you join us in making this vision happen? To nominate yourself or a colleague for either role, or if you have questions or comments, please email Julie at the subject line “JWM” for more information.

Our vision for JWM is to be a force for nurturing the community of diversity and inclusion scholarship and practice in STEM, and is a place where:

– Authors feel supported in their life’s work and receive fair, constructive, and timely feedback

– Reviewers practice the art of constructive feedback so that each review is a tangible contribution towards creating a constructive and supportive culture for academic publishing in STEM education.

– Associate Editors create a community dedicated to holding our field to a higher standard in how we treat each other and our life’s work. As individuals and as a group, associate editors lead by example in creating a constructive culture for academic publishing.

Aims & Scope: The Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering publishes original, peer-reviewed papers that report on empirical investigations covering a variety of topics related to achieving inclusion of historically underrepresented and minoritized populations in science and engineering education, academe, and professional practice. These populations include those who identify as people of color, white women, first generation college students, veterans, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, and the intersections of these and other identities. The journal especially welcomes research manuscripts that use theoretical frameworks and methodologies appropriate to the study of underrepresented and marginalized populations and/or use intersectional approaches. The Journal also publishes studies on novel educational innovations that hold promise for transferability to other contexts.

4. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Sharing Exemplary Admissions Practices that Promote Diversity in Engineering

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE), with support from the National Science Foundation (EEC- 1840746), invites nominations of admissions programs or policies that have resulted in increased diversity among engineering students. The only restriction on the type of program nominated is that the lead institution must be an accredited 4-year undergraduate engineering or engineering technology program. We welcome nominations that include partnerships with other types of educational institutions, industry, or nonprofit groups.

Policies or programs may be targeted to students from underrepresented populations among incoming first-year full-time students, incoming transfer students (from community colleges or other institutions), and/or veterans or other students of nontraditional age who are entering engineering. The NAE defines underrepresented populations broadly, including people of color, all women, individuals with disabilities, and individuals from other underrepresented or marginalized populations (e.g., first-generation students, LGBTQI individuals, students from low socioeconomic status backgrounds, students for whom English is a second language).

Nominations are due Friday, October 18. Please direct all questions to Beth Cady at The nomination form is available at

5. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Purdue University, Engineering Education, Graduate Program Open House

For more than a decade, Purdue’s School of Engineering Education has attracted students passionate about studying how engineering is best taught, learned and practiced. A PhD in engineering education has opened doors for our alumni to a range of career opportunities, from academia to non-profit work to industry.

You are invited to attend our two-day graduate program open house on Thursday, October 24 (all day) and Friday, October 25, 2019 (morning). You will have opportunities to learn about our groundbreaking PhD program, meet our faculty and students, attend our weekly research seminar, and tour our campus and research facilities. This event brings together individuals from a variety of backgrounds: current undergrad and masters students from many disciplines, practicing STEM educators, and professional engineers ready for a career pivot.

To learn more, follow the link below. Note that a limited number of travel grants are available for attendees, handled on a case-by-case basis.

If you cannot attend the open house but are interested in receiving invitations to virtual events, or you have any other questions, please contact:

6. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: Joint Lecturer and Research Assistant Professor, Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program, Tickle College of Engineering, University of Tennessee

The Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program (CGCHP) in the Tickle College of Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, seeks a joint Lecturer and Research Assistant Professor to contribute to our honors program, honors courses, a growing effort in Engineering Education research, and an Engineering Education graduate certificate. These efforts continue the legacy of our innovative Jerry E. Stoneking engage™ Program and will be aided by the opening of a new, state-of-the-art engineering building in 2021. This position is a full-time, non-tenure-track, 9-month appointment. The University of Tennessee supports career paths in both the lecturer (lecturer, senior lecturer, distinguished lecturer) and research professor (assistant, associate, full) tracks. The responsibilities of this position will include a combination of teaching, research, and administration.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in an engineering (or related) discipline while a Ph.D. in engineering or STEM education is strongly preferred. Candidates must possess excellent communication skills, a solid commitment to progressive teaching methods, and show promise of developing a successful educational research program within the College. Evidence of college-level teaching and educational research is expected. Full consideration will be given to applications received before Nov 1. Applications should include: (1) a letter of interest, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a teaching statement, (4) a research statement, (5) the names and contact information for three professional references. Details on how to prepare and submit all materials can be found by following the link below. Questions about the position should be directed to Dr. Kevin Kit, Chair of the Search Committee, voice: 865.974.9874; email:

A more detailed description of the position and links to the Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program and Engineering Education Certificate Program can be found at

7. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: Postdoctoral Position in EER at New Jersey Institute of Technology

The newly formed Engineering Education Unit at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) has a position available for a post-doctoral fellow. During this 12-month position, the postdoctoral fellow will participate in data collection and analysis, training and supervision of graduate and undergraduate students, preparing manuscripts, presenting at conferences, and grant writing. A portion of time will also be devoted to professional development experiences as identified by the fellow.

Ideal candidates should hold a Ph.D. in engineering education, higher education, STEM education or other related fields. Candidates nearing graduation are encouraged to apply. A successful candidate for this position requires strong quantitative and qualitative research knowledge and excellent writing skills. If you are interested in this position, please send your 1)

CV, 2) cover letter, 3) a writing sample (published or unpublished work) and 4) contact information for three references in a single PDF via via If you have any questions, please email Prateek Shekhar, Assistant Professor – Engineering Education ( This position will remain open until filled.

About NJIT: NJIT is a public research university with a focus on STEM education. NJIT is categorized as an R1: Doctoral University of Higher Research Activity by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. It is consistently ranked among the highest in the country in return-on-investment (ROI) for its graduates and ranks among the top U.S. polytechnic universities in terms of research expenditures. The Newark College of Engineering at NJIT houses 5 engineering departments: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical

Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Chemical and Materials Engineering. The college also houses School of Applied Engineering and Technology offering engineering technology degrees to its students. NJIT has been noted in Diverse: Issues in Higher Education as top 100 producer of minority STEM graduates, top 100

producer of degrees in engineering awarded to African-American and Hispanic students.

8. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Clemson University, Assistant or Associate Professor in Engineering and Science Education

The Department of Engineering and Science Education (ESED), located within the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Science at Clemson University, seeks applicants who are passionate about discipline-based education research for a tenure-track assistant or associate professor position. Candidates who engage in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) education research in any STEM discipline are encouraged to apply. Applicants should be able to teach STEM education courses at the graduate level and undergraduate courses in their STEM area of expertise. (See the ESED website for information on current classes and faculty areas of expertise: Applications from researchers who specialize in research methodology, or assessment and evaluation, and a commitment to diversity, inclusion and equity, are especially encouraged.

Applicants must have an earned doctorate in STEM education research (e.g., engineering education, mathematics education, or science education) or any STEM discipline with post-doctoral experience in STEM education research. Candidates must have a background in a STEM discipline, specifically a BS and/or MS degree in a STEM discipline.

Applicants should submit their curriculum vita, names and contact information of three references, and three statements explaining 1) research interests, 2) activities and plans for diversity, inclusion and equity, and 3) teaching philosophy (maximum two pages each) via Interfolio. Applications received by November 21, 2019, will be given full consideration; however, the search will continue until the position is filled. Anticipated start date is August 2020. The full position description and a link to the application can be found at: For more information about this position, please contact the search committee chair, Lisa Benson at

9. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant, Associate, Full Professors in Cyber Security &
High Assurance Computing at the University of Missouri-Columbia

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Missouri seeks applications for five tenure-track/tenured positions at the rank of Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, starting Fall 2020. These five positions are part of a University of Missouri strategic initiative in Cyber Security and complement recent hiring in that area. The university has been recently designated as a NSA Cyber Defense-Center of Academic Excellence (Research) and is seeking to build on its success.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or a closely related field. Preferred candidates will have success in research, and a strong commitment to excellence in teaching. For a candidate seeking a position at the level of associate or full professor, a record of attracting external research funding appropriate to their rank is an essential factor. We also encourage applicants with a history of or an interest in interdisciplinary research. The focus of these hires will be in Cyber Security, broadly construed, including formal methods, systems, and theory. We are especially interested in: Hardware and Embedded Systems Security; Secure Software Engineering (including static binary analysis, language-based security, and software verification); Wireless Security; Cloud Security; and Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things. Applications will be reviewed immediately upon receipt and will continue until the positions are filled.

Application: Applicants should submit a CV, a research plan, a teaching statement and a list of three to five professional references electronically to refer to Job ID 31546. Inquiries can be directed to the search committee at

10. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure Track/Tenured Faculty Position in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

The Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Missouri (MU) invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor levels. Applications are sought from candidates with expertise in the traditional mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering disciplines. Areas of interest include design and manufacturing, aerospace structures and materials, aerodynamics, and computational fluid dynamics. Faculty research areas must address the college pillars of pursuit: 1) Educating Engineering Leaders, 2) Big Data Analytics, 3) Biomedical Innovations, and/or 4) Sustainability inFEWSed (Food, Energy, Water, Smart Cities). The successful candidate will be able to take part in the growth of the College of Engineering and join a rich environment for collaboration with other faculty in Arts & Science, Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing, Veterinary Medicine, and Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.

The candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and/or graduate courses in one of the following areas: manufacturing, aerospace structures, aerospace materials, and aerodynamics.

The COE encourages joint appointments with other colleges/schools (e.g., the College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, the College of Arts & Science). The COE encourages joint appointments with other colleges/schools (e.g., the College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, the College of Arts & Science).

Closing Dates: Applications will be reviewed beginning November 1, 2019 and will continue until the positions are filled. Anticipated start date is no later than August 15, 2020.

Application: Apply using the online system (

Please follow the instructions on the website, select job ID # 31180, and upload a cover letter, curriculum vita, a statement of research and teaching goals, a representative research paper, and contact information for at least three references. Any questions regarding the application procedure may be directed to: Professor Noah Manring, Department Chair, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211. Email:

11. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant or Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Houghton College

The Department of Physics, Computer Science, and Engineering at Houghton College invites applications at the assistant or associate professor rank for up to two tenure-track positions in our electrical engineering program. Ideal candidates will have earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, computer engineering, engineering education (with a background in electrical engineering) or a closely related field by the beginning of their appointment. Our engineering program couples rigorous academics in a strong problem-based learning environment with a strong emphasis on active student engagement in real-world collaborative design projects. We are dedicated to our mission to provide a Christ-centered engineering education, anchored in the liberal arts and sciences, and we see our engineering program as a strategic next step in preparing graduates who can serve the world in ways that honor God and improve the human condition.

Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be expected to teach a broad range of undergraduate courses in electrical engineering. Other courses in introductory physics and general education may also be available. Qualifications: A Ph.D. in electrical engineering, computer engineering, engineering education or a closely related field is required. Previous teaching experience, experience with the ABET accreditation process, and experience in industry are all desirable. Other important qualities for this position include a commitment to excellence and creativity in undergraduate teaching, strong interpersonal and leadership skills, a mature Christian faith and an interest in integration of faith and learning. Academic rank and salary will be determined based on experience.

To apply, visit and follow the PROCEDURE FOR APPLICANTS. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.

12. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: Editor‐in‐Chief, Advances in Engineering Education

The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) seeks applications and nominations for the position of Editor‐in‐Chief for the journal Advances in Engineering Education (AEE –, a peer‐reviewed, online archived journal. The anticipated start date for the position is July 1, 2020. The AEE Editor‐in‐Chief works with a team consisting of approximately ten associate editors and a small advisory board that establishes and maintains the editorial standards for the journal, manages the review and publication of papers, expands global connections of the journal, and participates in events to expand the quantity and quality of engineering education around the world.

Applicants should be recognized scholars in engineering education, be active members of ASEE, and be employed by an ASEE member institution. Applicants for the position should send (a) a cover letter including a summary of relevant experience, (b) a vision statement for the future of AEE and a statement of their editorial philosophy, (c) a full CV, and (d) a list of three references to Adrianne Troilo, Director of Human Resources for ASEE ( Applications are due by November 15, 2019.

In addition, ASEE members may nominate outstanding candidates for consideration. Nominations are due by October 15, 2019. For further information or to submit nominations, contact Michael Loui, Chair of the AEE Editor‐in‐Chief Search Committee ( Also see

13. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Assistant Professor of Practice in Civil Engineering

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), Department of Civil Engineering invites applications for an open, non-tenure track, Assistant Professor of Practice in Civil Engineering position. We are looking for an individual with excellent practical professional experience who is dedicated to being a leader in educational innovation, curriculum development, and pedagogy. The UNL College of Engineering is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty and seeks to attract and retain a high performing and diverse workforce in which employees’ differences are respected and valued to better meet the varying needs of the diverse populations we serve. The college fosters a diverse and inclusive work environment that promotes collaboration so that all individuals are able to participate and contribute to their full potential.

Successful candidates will be expected to develop and teach general civil engineering courses as well as courses in the target areas of transportation engineering, geotechnical/materials engineering, and/or structural engineering, at the undergraduate and graduate level. Review of application materials will begin October 1 and continue until the position is filled. Applications must be submitted via, requisition F_190119. Complete applications will include: a) a cover letter, b) CV, c) teaching statement (submitted as “Other Document”), and d) a list of three references. Other relevant information such as a statement of service, statement of diversity and/or a statement of scholarship of teaching and learning may be included with the Teaching Statement.

As an EO/AA employer, qualified applicants are considered for employment without regard to race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, marital status, and/or political affiliation. See:

14. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Assistant Professor of Engineering Education

The College of Engineering (CoE) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln ( will be seeking applications for multiple tenure-track faculty positions at the rank of assistant professor in the area of engineering education. The College is building a cohort of discipline-based education research (DBER) faculty to both establish national leadership in DBER in conjunction with the broader UNL DBER community and contribute to research-based transformations within their engineering academic units. CoE is particularly interested in those whose research centers on teaching, learning, and assessment at the undergraduate level and can extend to the K-12 and graduate levels. For more details and application requirements see: Review of application materials will begin October 4, 2019 and continue until the positions are filled.

Contact: Dr. Heidi Diefes-Dux, Professor and Search Chair,

15. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: University of Portland, Dean of the Shiley School of Engineering

The University of Portland (UP) seeks applications and nominations for the position of Dean of the Shiley School of Engineering with a scheduled appointment date of July 1, 2020. The Dean is responsible for the quality, conduct, administration, planning, and development of the School’s teaching programs, research activities, and industry partnerships. Other specific responsibilities include managing the budget, appointing faculty and staff, innovating in engineering education, maintaining a positive ethos in a mission-driven unit, and enhancing dynamic relationships within the University and community.

Requirements for the Dean position include a PhD in engineering or related discipline, as well as previous teaching and administrative experience in higher education and scholarship that warrants appointment to the faculty at senior rank.

Please see the full announcement for more information:

16. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: Teaching Faculty (Open Rank) in the Department of Bioengineering, The Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) invites applications for an open rank teaching faculty position in all areas of bioengineering. We seek highly qualified applicants with a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and the ability to teach at all levels. Applicants for this position must have a Ph.D. in bioengineering, medicine, or a related field. Ideal candidates will have multiple years of experience in teaching core courses in a terminal degree program. Previous experience teaching courses in instrumentation and signals and systems in bioengineering is preferred. Other areas of bioengineering relevant to the mission of the department will also be considered. Competitive applicants will show the promise of excellence in classroom teaching and will demonstrate strong teaching knowledge. Ideal candidates include those who demonstrate evidence of a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through research, teaching, and/or service endeavors. This is a 100% non-tenure-track, renewable appointment.

Please visit the website to view the complete position announcement and application instructions. Applications received prior to October 21, 2019 will receive full consideration. For inquiry, please email Amy Meharry at

The University of Illinois conducts criminal background checks on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer. Illinois is an EEO Employer/Vet/Disabled ( and committed to a family-friendly environment (

17. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Tenure Track Positions in CS/SE

Rose-Hulman’s teaching-focused mission is to “provide our students with the world’s best undergraduate science, engineering and mathematics education in an environment of individual attention and support.” We’re Rose. It’s what we do. Sound like you? The Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Rose-Hulman invites applications for tenure track faculty positions with an anticipated start date of August 2020. The department, which continues to experience strong enrollment growth (currently 440 students), offers B.S. degrees in computer science and software engineering. These programs are accredited by the Computing and Engineering Accreditation Commissions of ABET. The department offers a multidisciplinary major in data science, multidisciplinary robotics minor, and several ongoing research projects among its vibrant interdisciplinary initiatives.

A doctorate (or near completion) in computer science, software engineering or closely related fields (including engineering education with an emphasis on these fields) is required for this position. Preferred candidates will have evidence of, or demonstrated potential for, excellence in undergraduate teaching. We are looking for candidates who embrace the mission and vision of Rose-Hulman to join our collegial team of 25 faculty. The department and the Institute place a high value on engaging students from traditionally underrepresented groups, and candidates from these groups are especially encouraged to apply. Candidates who can broaden and enhance the educational experience of our students are also encouraged to apply.

Job requirements and application instructions are available at Detailed information is available from Sriram Mohan, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering,, 812-877-8819. Initial review of completed applications will begin October 1. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. EEO/AA

To send an announcement to the ERM listserv, please prepare a 2-3 paragraph description including any relevant URLs and contact info as well as a subject line. Do not include any attachments. Be sure that the announcement includes the person to contact with questions. Email all of this information to Sarah Zappe at with [ERM Announcement] in the subject line to facilitate email sorting. Announcements will be sent out on the 1st and 15th of each month. Each set of announcements will be included in the announcements email twice. Announcements will also be recorded on the ERM website: