Call for ERM Nominations

Dear ERM Membership,

The Education Research and Methods Division Bylaws state that in odd-numbered years, the membership shall elect a Chair to serve a two-year term. In addition to the office of the chair, two Directors roles are also open this year. As such, the nominating committee is opening nominations April 3 – 17, 2023. Below are descriptions of the positions open for nominations. All that is required are name, affiliation, and email submitted via email to Nathaniel Hunsu – during the nomination period. Elections are scheduled to be held April 27 – May 11, 2023. Both nominations and self-nominations are welcome!

The Chair 

The Chair shall be elected in odd-numbered years to serve a two-year term, and having served a two-year term, may not be renominated for a succeeding two-year term. The nominees for Chair shall have previously served at least one full term as a Division officer. The Vice-Chair for ASEE Programs shall serve as acting Chair in the event the Chair cannot serve. The Chair shall have administrative responsibility for this Division. The Chair shall serve as ERM representative on such committees or boards of ASEE which the ASEE constitution and bylaws shall designate.


Directors shall be elected to serve a two-year term and shall not be eligible to serve a second successive term. Two directors shall be elected each year. Directors may be asked to serve in a capacity as determined by the Chair.

ERM Bylaws:

Please let us know if you have any questions,

Allison and Nathaniel

ERM Announcements, March 15, 2023

Dear ERM members,

I hope all of you are doing well! We had a snow day this week with a university closure, and I’ll admit that I’m super behind on things. I wanted to get the announcements out this week as soon as possible because they are chocked full of opportunities.

I also want to put a couple of upcoming elections for ERM on your radar. I will be finishing my term as chair in June, so we are looking for a new ERM Chair as well as two Directors. If you have questions about the positions, please feel free to contact me ( A formal nomination (or self-nomination!) process will be sent out in the coming weeks.

All my best,



ERM Announcements for 3/15/2023

General Announcements 

  1. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: Join the ERM Best Diversity Paper Committee
  2. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: First-Engineering Experience Conference – Jul 30 to Aug 1, 2023
  3. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: IEEE ETHICS-2023: Ethics in the Global Innovation Helix
  4. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Public Listening Sessions for 2023-2028 Federal STEM Strategic Plan


Position Announcements 

  1. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT:Aalborg University – Assistant Professor in PBL
  2. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Core Fellow/Visiting Assistant Professor in Human-Centered Engineering at Boston College
  3. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral Researcher, Tufts University
  4. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Teaching and Research Post-Doctoral Associate
  5. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Teaching Faculty at Engineering Education Innovation Center
  6. POSITIONS ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Research Faculty Positions at the Institute for the Future Education—Neuroeducation, STEM Education, Discipline-Based Education, or related areas
  7. POSITIONS ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Postdoctoral Positions at the Institute for the Future Education—Neuroeducation, STEM Education, or related areas.

General Announcements

  1. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: Join the ERM Best Diversity Paper Committee

Each year ERM recognizes a paper making significant contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion. To continue with this tradition, the ERM Best Diversity Paper Committee is seeking volunteers to assist with reviewing papers for the award. Committee members will review a set of papers using an established rubric and engage in a group discussion to determine a winner. The review process will take place between March and April. If you are interested in joining the committee or if you have any questions regarding the duties and responsibilities associated with this role, please reach out to the Chair, Dina Verdin at

  1. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: First-Engineering Experience Conference – Jul 30 to Aug 1, 2023


The 14th Annual First-Year Engineering Conference will be held from July 30 to August 2, 2023, at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Abstracts and workshop proposals are currently being accepted.

Please see conference website for more details:

Abstracts and Workshop Proposals due Mar 24, 2023

Draft Papers due May 12, 2023

Contact if you have any questions.

Haritha Malladi & Stephany Coffman-Wolph

2023 FYEE Program Co-Chairs

  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: IEEE ETHICS-2023: Ethics in the Global Innovation Helix

18-20 May 2023, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

IEEE ETHICS-2023 will draw together the global community of technology and ethics practitioners and theoreticians from industry, academia, government, and civil society. Issues will be explored from industry, scientific and societal perspectives, in a global and multicultural manner. ETHICS-2023 is a conference of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) (series originally launched in 2014). ETHICS-2023 is co-sponsored and hosted by the National Institute for Engineering Ethics in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University, a leading land grant university with top-ranked engineering, technology, and computing programs, and an expansive portfolio of sponsored research and engagements in the ethics and policy realms. The triple helix model of innovation was introduced in the 1990s, developed to theorize and understand interactions between academia, industry, and government. Since then, scholars have expanded it to include additional strands or sectors, including society or the public (quadruple helix) and the natural environment (quintuple helix). The conference theme, “Ethics in the Global Innovation Helix,” underscores questions about the role and place of ethics and related concerns (e.g., social responsibility, social justice, regulatory compliance, etc.) in interactions between these strands, especially in ongoing processes of technology innovation, diffusion, evolution, and maintenance.

Pre-Conference Workshop

Norbert Wiener Symposium: Discussion of the Future of Work


Plenary Sessions

  • Active Human Interface: Technology, Uncertainty, and Hope, Debbie Chachra (Olin College of Engineering)
  • Ethical and Legal Frameworks for Automation, Iven Mareels (Institute of Innovation, Science and Sustainability, Federation University Australia)
  • Thinking Like an Engineer: Twenty-Five Years Later, Michael Davis (Illinois Institute of Technology) plus three commentators


Special Sessions (Panels)

  • The Ethics of Weapons Technology Development
  • Perspectives from Liberal Arts on the Practical Turn in AI Ethics
  • The Role of Human Rights in the Global Helix for Technology Innovation and Justice
  • The Arc of a Global Engineering Education
  • Careers in Technology Ethics (Sponsored by SSIT Ethics Committee)
  • The National Artificial Intelligence Initiative and The Ethics of AI
  • 4 + 1: The Impacts of Academia, Industry, Government and Civil Society on Sustainable Development (Sponsored by IEEE TechEthics)
  • Socially Responsible Innovation for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (Sponsored by IEEE TAB Program on Climate Change)

Workshops and Tutorials

  • Exploring Mental Models of Ethics and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Engineering
  • Critical Design for Responsible Innovation
  • I can’t teach ethics, I’m not an ethicist: Transforming STEM ethics education begins with engaging faculty as ethical subjects
  • AI Safety, Governance, and Alignment Tutorial
  • STS Postures as a Framework for Teaching Ethics Throughout the Engineering Curriculum
  • Taking “day to day” ethics seriously outside the academy: Experiences from STS and Communication (sponsored by the ASEE Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division)

For More Information including Registration and Housing please visit the ETHICS-2023 Website:

  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Public Listening Sessions for 2023-2028 Federal STEM Strategic Plan


The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is hosting a series of virtual public listening sessions to inform the development of the 2023- 2028 Federal Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strategic Plan.

OSTP is seeking input from all interested parties, including students, educators, administrators, parents, researchers, employers, and others. Each listening session will focus on one aspect of the STEM ecosystem. The last session aims to include speakers unable to attend any of the earlier sessions and as such, will cover each of the five areas covered in the previous sessions. Please share the link(s) below with communities who should register for any/one of the six upcoming virtual listening sessions. Dates and links can also be found on OSTP’s public Events & Webinars webpage.

STEM Education: Support learners and educators in and across all science and technology disciplines

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 from 3pm-5pm ET 

Register at:

STEM Workforce Development: Prepare and recruit our Nation’s future STEM workforce 

Friday, March 17, 2023 from 2pm-4pm ET

Register at:

STEM Workforce: Foster inclusive STEM learning and working spaces to retain STEM learners and workers 

Monday, March 20, 2023 from 3pm-5pm ET

Register at:


STEM Engagement: Foster meaningful community and public engagement in science and technology

Wednesday, March 22, 2023 from 4pm-6pm ET

Register at:


STEM Research and Innovation Capacity: Build and drive capacity and cutting-edge STEM (and STEM education) research and development 

Friday, March 24, 2023 from 2pm-4pm ET

Register at:

The National STEM Ecosystem

Monday, March 27, 2023 from 6pm-8pm ET

Register at:


Position Announcements


  1. POSITION ANNOUCEMENT: Aalborg University – Assistant Professor in PBL

At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Planning a position as full-time Assistant Professor in Problem Based Learning in Engineering Education is open for appointment from 1 September 2023 or soon thereafter. The position will be based in Copenhagen and will be terminated after three years.

The main research area will be within the field of problem based learning (PBL) in engineering education. The position will be related to the Centre for Problem Based Learning in Engineering Science and Sustainability under the auspices of UNESCO (UCPBL). The researcher will be working in a cross-disciplinary team of researchers, who are committed to the vision and mission of the Centre. You can learn more about the centre at

The applicants should demonstrate research experience within the field of PBL related to one or more of the following areas:

    • Interdisciplinary PBL and teamwork
    • Digital Education, Networked Learning and Emerging Technologies
    • Management of Change in Engineering Education and Intercultural Learning
    • Professional Practice and Continuing Engineering Education
    • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in a lifelong learning perspective

Teaching will be related to PBL including courses, workshops and consultancy offered at all Engineering and Science programmes at Aalborg University at different levels of study. Furthermore, assist staff training internally at AAU and externally in the Master of Problem Based Learning, the UCPBL certificate programme or tailor-made training courses by request. Knowledge of engineering education and teaching experience from a PBL environment is an advantage.

You may obtain further professional information from Professor Anette Kolmos +45 9940 8307,

  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Core Fellow/Visiting Assistant Professor in Human-Centered Engineering at Boston College


The Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences at Boston College invites applications for the position of Core Fellow / Visiting Assistant Professor in Human-Centered Engineering. The appointment for this one-year postdoctoral visiting assistant professorship will be for the 2023-2024 academic year. Salary is competitive, and the position is renewable upon favorable review for up to three years. Core Fellows participate in the Core Fellows Program, which is designed to help newly-minted PhD holders in their scholarly pursuits as well as in becoming outstanding instructors through pedagogical training focused on the education of the whole person. You can learn more about BC’s Core Curriculum and the Core Fellows Program here:

In 2023-2024, in one semester the Core Fellow will help design and teach hands-on, project-based engineering lab sections associated with the Complex Problem course, “Making the Modern World: Design, Ethics, and Engineering,” co-taught by faculty from the Engineering Department. In the other semester, depending on curricular needs, the Core Fellow will teach engineering electives and/or Enduring Question courses (courses paired with a second course designed by another scholar in the liberal arts). The Core Fellow in Human-Centered Engineering will be encouraged to pursue their research and scholarship and participate in professional development through the Core Fellows Program and BC’s Center for Teaching Excellence. Research resources, including space, access to internal funds, and research assistants, may be available through the Engineering Department. You can learn more about BC’s Department of Engineering and the new Human-Centered Engineering major here:

Applications should be submitted electronically to Deadline: Applications will be reviewed beginning on March 15th and the application will remain open until the position is filled. Please contact Dr. Jenna Tonn ( with questions.

  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral Researcher, Tufts University


The Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO) and Institute for Research on Learning and Instruction (IRLI) invite applications for a joint full-time postdoctoral scholar to work on studying undergraduate education. The initial appointment is for the academic year 2023-2024, renewable for a second year.

The position focuses on introductory science and engineering, working across two units at Tufts: The CEEO has a K-16 mission of both outreach and education research; IRLI has a mission of supporting research on learning and instruction taking place within Tufts courses. The two units collaborate in studies situated within the Tufts School of Engineering. The postdoctoral scholar will be a key member of both units. They will be mentored by IRLI co-Directors Dr. David Hammer and Milo Koretsky (and possibly other IRLI faculty), with reporting requirements to CEEO Director Dr. Merredith Portsmore. The scholar will have significant research responsibilities, mainly but perhaps not exclusively in engineering education, including to participate in data collection, analyses, and disseminating research through presentations and publications. They will also have responsibilities in project management, mentoring undergraduate and graduate students, and as appropriate the development of new proposals for research.

The position requires a PhD in a STEM discipline, STEM Education, or a related field, and significant experience in education research; we are especially interested in applicants with experience studying undergraduate education, responsive teaching, science/engineering curriculum development, working with university faculty or mentoring education research. Please submit a letter of application, including descriptions of your background and research interests, a CV, and the names of three references to Questions about the position or application process can be directed to CEEO Director, Merredith Portsmore ( or to IRLI co-Director Milo Koretsky (

Review of applications will begin May 2, 2023 and applications are welcome until the position is filled.  Start date is negotiable.

Tufts is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer.

To download the full PDF visit:

  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Teaching and Research Post-Doctoral Associate


We are hiring a Teaching and Research Post-Doctoral Associate at Elizabethtown College to contribute to an NSF Broadening Participation in Engineering grant to develop, launch, and assess the Greenway Center for Equity and Sustainability in Engineering. For details and to apply, visit:

  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Teaching Faculty at Engineering Education Innovation Center


In partnership with Elizabethtown College and supported through an NSF Broadening Participation Grant, Greenway Center for Equity and Sustainability seeks qualified applicants to join our founding faculty team to develop and teach our 100% hands-on, project-based, and team-based engineering education program. Guided by principles of sustainability and equity, we aim to create a community where every student can develop the competence, confidence, and connections they need to thrive in engineering. Faculty members will work with our team to develop, pilot and teach courses and to plan the innovative program. Details at:

  1. POSITIONS ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Research Faculty Positions at the Institute for the Future Education—Neuroeducation, STEM Education, Discipline-Based Education, or related areas


The Institute for the future of Education ( of Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico invites ambitious researchers of all seniorities to apply for professor positions to develop world-class interdisciplinary research in higher education and lifelong learning. We are looking for several researchers in the following fields: 1) Ph.D. in Neuroeducation, Educational Neurosciences, or related areas or Ph.D. in another discipline with proven experience in neuroeducation or educational neurosciences (extended ad). 2) Ph.D. in STEM Education or related fields such as Engineering Education or Science Education, or Ph.D. in Education with a bachelor’s degree and/or master’s degree in engineering, science, or STEM, or Ph.D. in one STEM area with proven experience in discipline-based education (extended ad). 3) Ph.D. in Computing education or Education with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in an area of computer science or related area, or Ph.D. in an area of computer science with vast experience in computing education research (extended ad). 4) Ph.D. in Engineering education or Education with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in an area of engineering, or Ph.D. in an area of engineering with vast experience in engineering education research (extended ad).

We are looking for candidates with a substantial academic publication record in high-impact journals for the last five years, advanced level in English language proficiency, a sufficient level of Spanish proficiency is desirable but not required, at least three years of teaching experience in prestigious national or international universities or having worked as a researcher in a research center with some teaching responsibilities, and preferably experience in obtaining external funding for research.

For inquiries, please write at

  1. POSITIONS ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Postdoctoral Positions at the Institute for the Future Education—Neuroeducation, STEM Education, or related areas


The Institute for the future of Education ( of Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico invites early-career, ambitious researchers to apply for postdoctoral positions to develop interdisciplinary research at a world-class level in higher education and lifelong learning. We are looking for several researchers in the following fields: 1) Ph.D. in Neuroeducation, Educational Neurosciences, or related areas or Ph.D. in another discipline with proven experience in neuroeducation or educational neurosciences (extended ad). 2) Ph.D. in STEM Education or related fields such as Engineering Education or Science Education, or Ph.D. in Education with a bachelor’s degree and/or master’s degree in engineering, science, or STEM, or Ph.D. in one STEM area with proven experience in discipline-based education (extended ad).

We are looking for candidates with publications in high-impact journals, advanced level in English language proficiency, a sufficient level of Spanish proficiency is desirable but not required.

For inquiries, please write at


To send an announcement to the ERM listserv, please prepare a 2-3 paragraph description including any relevant URLs as well as a subject line. Be sure that the announcement includes the person to contact with questions. Submit all of this information to Allison Godwin via Announcements will be sent out on the 1st and 15th of each month. Submissions 48 hours before these dates will be guaranteed to be included in announcements. Each set of announcements will be included in the announcements email twice. Announcements will also be recorded on the ERM website:

For more resources and position announcements, please refer to the Engineering Education Community Resource Wiki available at  A direct link to job postings at