ERM Announcements, November 2, 2023

Hi, All –

I want to use my opening comments in this edition of the ERM Newsletter to offer our most hearty congratulations to those from our division who were named to the ASEE Hall of Fame! As I read through the list, many of these individuals were active in the leadership of ERM. We are indebted to how they have shaped the field of engineering education. Please drop them a line of your gratitude and congratulations at this moment. The inductees who are current members of ERM are:

  • Jenna P. Carpenter, Campbell University
  • Marjan J. Eggermont, University of Calgary
  • Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University
  • Richard M. Felder, North Carolina State University
  • Julie P. Martin, University of Georgia
  • Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University
  • William C. Oakes, Purdue University
  • Larry Richard, University of Virginia
  • Donna M. Riley, University of New Mexico
  • Karl A. Smith, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
  • Ruth A. Streveler, Purdue University

Congratulations to these 11 leaders of our field!

I will follow up with you all on an opportunity to contribute to the strategic planning for the ERM Division and follow up on the minutes from the business meeting in a separate email to come later. For now, please enjoy the expansive opportunities in our field, as reflected in the announcements.



ERM Announcements for 11/02/2023


General Announcements 


  1. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Special Issue of Emotions in Engineering Education –European Journal of Engineering Education
  2. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Queer in STEM Anthology Project
  4. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: NSF Solicitation Announcement – Ideas Lab for Personalized Engineering Learning
  5. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: University of Michigan Engineering Education Research Virtual Open House: 10/30/23, 2:00 – 4:00 pm ET
  6. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Virginia Tech Engineering Education Ph.D. Program Open House
  7. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Mental Health and Wellness Virtual Community
  8. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: REEN Call for Governing Board Members
  9. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: STEM Education Postdoctoral Opportunities Summit


Position Announcements 


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Lecturer / Senior Lecturer Positions at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  2. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: NSF Engineering Education Program Director (Rotator)
  3. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Post Doc Research Associate in Engineering Education at Purdue University
  4. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Short Term Teaching Position (January Term 2024) at St. Olaf College
  5. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Professor Educator – Open Rank, Engineering & Computing Education, University of Cincinnati
  6. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Department Head, Engineering & Computing Education, University of Cincinnati
  7. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Asst./Assoc. Professor of Engineering Education & Leadership @ UTEP
  8. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: 2 Open Rank Faculty Positions in Engineering Education, University of Georgia
  10. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Positions in Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
  11. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Engineering Technology Exploration at the Rochester Institute of Technology
  12. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open-rank Faculty Positions in Engineering Education at Arizona State University
  13. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Positions in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Michigan State University
  14. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Computer Engineering at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE)
  15. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral Research Positions in STEM Education at Clemson University
  16. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor in Critical STEM Education at Tufts University
  17. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Two Postdoctoral Scholars in Engineering Education Research Texas A&M University
  18. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open Rank Interdisciplinary Engineering Education Position at Texas A&M University
  19. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: South Dakota School of Mines & Technology: Design Theory and Methodology faculty position


General Announcements


  1. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Special Issue of Emotions in Engineering Education –European Journal of Engineering Education


This special issue of the European Journal of Engineering Education aims to strengthen the emerging research field focusing on emotions in engineering education by showcasing a rich collection of novel empirical research on emotions in engineering education. This call is primarily directed at empirical and methodological articles that can broaden the scope of research on emotions in engineering education beyond the currently dominant topics of socio-emotional competences, empathy, anxiety, and academic emotions (unless they are connected to less dominant topics in novel ways). Articles describing studies that employ in-depth qualitative, physiological, and/or mixed-methods approaches will be prioritized. Theoretical articles may also be considered if they apply or develop currently under-represented theoretical perspectives (e.g., sociological or critical theories of emotion). The study context is engineering education at any level, including higher (tertiary) education, K-12, informal education, and work-bases education.


For this special issue, we welcome research on a wide range of topics, but the following ones are of particular interest, given they focus on emotions in engineering education: cognitive processes, international and cultural perspectives, socialization and discourses, well-being, ethics and morality, decision-making and action, identity and sense of belonging, sustainability and wicked problems, novel methodological or theoretical approaches, novel ways of representing data or research findings.


Submission process:


– Deadline for extended abstracts  – 15 November 2023

– Notifications of invitation for full paper submission – 15 December 2023

– Full paper submission due date – 15 June 2024


Instructions for authors


Extended abstracts should be anonymized and limited to 800-1000 words, plus references and any supplementary files(optional). The format is free.

Please submit your abstract here:


Co-Leading Guest Editors:


– Inês Direito, University College London, Great Britain (

– Johanna Lönngren, Umeå University, Sweden (


Guest Editors:

– James Huff, Harding University (USA), Nihat Kotluk, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), Khairiyah Mohd-Yusof, Universiti Teknologi (Malaysia), Madeline Polmear, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, (Belgium), Roland Tormey, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, (Switzerland), Idalis Villanueva Alarcón, University of Florida, (USA)


  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Queer in STEM Anthology Project


We invite you to contribute to an anthology of creative and academic works around queerness/LGBTQIA+ in STEM. We define STEM broadly and include social sciences.


Our goal is to self-publish a collection of materials to be mainly distributed in print to our Boston campus community, but also to be made available online publicly to everyone.


If this interests you, we would welcome any contribution that you’d be willing to provide. For example, options include but are not limited to:


– Poems

– Short stories

– Editorials/opinion pieces

– Short autobiographical narratives

– Photographs

– Drawings/artwork

– Other scholarly works


Please note that it is perfectly acceptable to use a pseudonym or be published anonymously if you so choose.


This project is supported by the Full-Time Faculty Professional Development Fund (FTFPDF) at Northeastern University, awarded to Prof. Andrew Gillen ( and V Royzen (


Although we are trying to collect most contributions before the new year, we are accepting submissions through April 2024. Please feel free to reach out to either of us with any questions, ideas, or submissions.




Office hours regarding the upcoming NSF RIEF solicitation will be help on November 1, 2023 from 2-3 PM.  The Zoom link for the meeting will be:


If you have more extensive questions about your RIEF proposal, you can also reach out directly at


  1. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: NSF Solicitation Announcement – Ideas Lab for Personalized Engineering Learning


The National Science Foundation released their solicitation for the Ideas Lab: Personalized Engineering Learning (PEL).  This Ideas Lab will bring together a diverse group of participants to focus on finding innovative cross-disciplinary solutions to the NAE Grand Challenge of advancing personalized learning. The full solicitation, including instructions for how to apply to participate, can be found at:


We will host an informational webinar on October 23rd, 2023 at 3:00pm Eastern to discuss the solicitation and to answer questions from prospective applicants. Registration is required – please register here(


  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: University of Michigan Engineering Education Research Virtual Open House: 10/30/23, 2:00 – 4:00 pm ET


We are excited to invite all interested students to attend an open house to learn about the UM’s graduate program in Engineering Education Research (EER). UM’s EER program represents a unique, interdisciplinary model: EER Ph.D. students (who receive a full, 5-year funding package) are part of a college-wide program, while several tenure-line EER faculty are embedded within the traditional engineering departments. The integrated nature of the program allows the EER faculty and their research groups to be well-integrated with the traditional engineering disciplines, and it provides students a better opportunity to engage in innovative research and make scholarly contributions to the engineering education community. More information about the program is available at our EER website.


We will be hosting a Virtual Open House on Monday, October 30, 2023 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm ET. Participants will learn about the EER graduate program, meet faculty and graduate students, and hear about the UM campus and Ann Arbor. Attendees will also be eligible for an application fee waiver.


Please register to attend at this open house registration site and please forward this link to any friends who may be interested. Email us for more information at


  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Virginia Tech Engineering Education Ph.D. Program Open House


The Engineering Education Ph.D. program at Virginia Tech will host Open House events for prospective Ph.D. students on Nov 1, 2023 (virtual) and Nov 2, 2023 (virtual and in-person). Both the Virtual Open House and the In-Person Open House will feature an introduction to our program and a chance to talk with faculty and current graduate students. Attendees will learn more about our Ph.D. program and welcoming community.  Click here for links to register for one of the Open House events.


We strongly encourage those interested in a Ph.D. program that is balanced between research and real-world application to apply. Visit the Virginia Tech Engineering Education website to learn more about our Ph.D. program.


We hope you give Virginia Tech serious consideration as you explore Ph.D. programs!  If you have any questions, please contact Mara Knott, Academic Program Manager, at


  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Mental Health and Wellness Virtual Community


Are you interested in gathering to talk about mental health and wellness in engineering?


The Mental Health and Wellness in Engineering Virtual Community is an informal, approximately monthly meeting to discuss topics of mental health and wellness and initiate collaborations. Previous topics have included mid-semester overwhelm, inclusive syllabus development, and authenticity. All are welcome. Topics and discussions, as well as event days and times, will rotate each month. You are welcome to attend as many or as few sessions that make sense for your schedule.


Join us on Zoom for monthly discussions. Sign up here!



  1. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: REEN Call for Governing Board Members


The Research in Engineering Education Network (REEN) Governing Board is seeking nominations to fill two board positions, including one to represent North America. We are looking for individuals who are passionate about engineering education research and building capacity. We aim to fill these positions for terms running from January 2024 – December 2027.


The REEN Governing Board is responsible for implementing the mission and goals of REEN by providing strategic direction, continuity, and overall leadership in Engineering Education Research (EER). By doing this, REEN aims to help educators generate research on good practices and innovative approaches in education contexts, and through this, support the implementation of research-based approaches in engineering education. Further information can be obtained by visiting our website:


More information is included in the attached Call for Members.


If you are interested in being a REEN governing board member, please send the following information as a single Word or PDF file to Teresa Hattingh ( – REEN Governing Board Chair, by 10 November 2023:


  1. Motivation & Vision statement — approximately 200 words describing your involvement in EER and REEN, why you are interested in being on the REEN Governing board, and your vision for advancing EER in your area.
  2. CV — up to two pages highlighting activity and accomplishments in EER to illustrate the perspectives, experience, expertise, and contributions you will bring.


Applications will be evaluated based on the five criteria elaborated in the Call for Members. Note that applicants do not need to have experience in every area to apply, though some exposure to and participation in REES or other REEN activities would be beneficial. Additionally, we are looking for your vision in advancing EER in your region


  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: STEM Education Postdoctoral Opportunities Summit


The STEM Education Postdoc Summit (a.k.a. the “Summit”) will be a virtual event to connect doctoral students and recent doctoral graduates with postdoctoral opportunities nationwide. The goals of the Summit are to connect doctoral students and recent doctoral graduates with postdoctoral opportunities nationwide, to elevate emerging scholars, and to provide professional networking pathways for a diverse pool of applicants. Doctoral candidates or recent graduates interested in applying for STEM education postdoc positions will have the opportunity to present a “pitch” about themselves, their research, and goals for pursuing a postdoctoral experience. STEM education researchers with open postdoc positions will present information about their program to recruit applicants.


The Summit will be held on Wednesday, November 15, 5 – 7 pm Eastern time.

STEM education researcher looking to hire one or more postdocs, Ph.D. students or recent Ph.D. graduate seeking a postdoc position in STEM education, or those seeking information about postdoc positions in STEM education can register here!


Questions? Contact Lisa Benson,


The Summit is being organized and supported by the NSF-funded project, Postdoctoral Research Opportunities and Mentoring for Inclusive STEM Education (PROMISE):





Position Announcements


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Lecturer / Senior Lecturer Positions at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville


Engineering Fundamentals (EF) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, seeks multiple dynamic and innovative Lecturers to contribute to its first-year engineering program. EF is the home of the engageprogram (, an integrated and team-taught first-year curriculum that is responsible for teaching nine credit hours of common coursework for each of the Tickle College of Engineering’s first-year students. EF course content primarily focuses on introductory level physics and computing tools (e.g., Excel and MATLAB). Additional topics include:


– Engineering design process

– Engineering technical communication

– Teaming

– Perspectives of the engineering profession

– Student success related topics (time management, study skills, etc.)


Each position is a full-time, non-tenure-track, 9-month appointment at the rank of Lecturer/Senior Lecturer. Candidates are required to have earned a doctorate in engineering or computer science. Candidates should possess excellent communication skills, a solid commitment to innovative teaching methods (both traditional and technology enabled), and the ability to promote an environment where every individual has equal opportunities to contribute, learn, and participate in a global community. Demonstrated interest in first-year engineering and computing education programs is expected. College-level teaching experience and/or industry experience is preferred. Candidates with experience in front-end and back-end web application development, management, and administration, managing design studios or makerspaces, experience creating or managing student projects, and/or degrees in engineering education will also be given preference.


Applications should include: (1) a one-page cover letter addressing qualifications and motivation, (2) a teaching statement, including the candidate’s background and experience that make them an ideal candidate, (3) a comprehensive curriculum vitae, and (4) the names and contact information (address, phone number, and e-mail address) for at least three professional references.  Questions about the position should be directed to Dr. Amy Biegalski, Chair of the Search Committee, (email: Positions to be filled August 2024. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until all positions are filled. Apply at


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: NSF Engineering Education Program Director (Rotator)


NSF is seeking an additional rotating Program Director for the Engineering Education cluster in the Division of Engineering Education and Centers.  Details about the position can be found at:


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Post Doc Research Associate in Engineering Education at Purdue University


The Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement (SCALE) program is seeking a postdoctoral research associate to conduct research and evaluation on program activities. SCALE is a large Department of Defense-funded workforce development project for topics related to microelectronics. The position will design and implement surveys and other techniques for ongoing program evaluation. Responsibilities will include synthesizing results and presenting findings to relevant parties, providing recommendations for programmatic improvements, distributing and analyzing survey data, and other needs related to program evaluation. The postdoctoral associate will also assist with preparing papers for publication in academic journals. Ideal candidates will have a Ph.D. in engineering education, education, social sciences, or a related field. Experience with publishing and presenting research is required.

Must be a self-starter with strong interpersonal, communication, organizational, problem-solving, and technology skills (e.g., Excel, R). Strong background in quantitative data analysis, research methodology, assessment design, and evaluation is preferred.


Interested candidates should submit an application containing a cover letter detailing their qualifications and interest in the position and CV. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.


See full job posting here:

Contact Melissa Dyehouse ( for more information about the position.


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Short Term Teaching Position (January Term 2024) at St. Olaf College


The Department of Physics at St. Olaf College is hiring for a visiting faculty position in physics at the level of Instructor or Assistant Professor, to begin January 3, 2024.  This month-long position is 0.25 FTE (full-time equivalent).


Primary Responsibilities: This position will be responsible for teaching Physics 160: Introduction to Engineering Design during St. Olaf’s January term. This introductory engineering course takes a holistic, process approach to design. Student teams identify human-centered needs, define problems, develop and prototype solutions, test, redesign, and present final recommendations. This hands-on course emphasizes the application of scientific principles, analysis, and design to real world problems. Students write throughout the course to develop and share ideas. In the January Term, students attend lectures and a daily laboratory


Qualifications: Completion of or current enrollment in a PhD program or completion of a Master’s degree in an engineering discipline or a closely related field, such as Material Science or Applied Physics.  We seek candidates with enthusiasm for teaching in an environment where close collaboration with students is the norm and where inclusive teaching practices are encouraged.


To express interest in this position, please contact Prof. Jay Demas, Department Chair, at as soon as possible.


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Professor Educator – Open Rank, Engineering & Computing Education, University of Cincinnati


Job Overview


We are a Department of Engineering and Computing Education (DECE) with burgeoning M.S. and Ph.D. programs seeking new faculty members that will help shape and deliver the instructional mission of the university. Additional information about the Department, College and University can be found at


Minimum Qualifications


Prior to the effective date of appointment, applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in Engineering Education or a related discipline. Candidates at the Associate Professor Educator level must also have 5 academic years of collegiate teaching experience within the field of Engineering, and candidates at the Full Professor Educator level must also have 10 academic years of collegiate teaching experience within the field of Engineering.


For the full job description and application requirements,

Please visit and search keyword: 93913


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Department Head, Engineering & Computing Education, University of Cincinnati


Job Overview


We are a Department of Engineering and Computing Education (DECE) with burgeoning M.S. and Ph.D. programs seeking a visionary leader to grow our national and international footprint in engineering education research. Additional information about the Department, College and University can be found at


Minimum Qualifications


Prior to the effective date of appointment, must have a Ph.D. in engineering, engineering education or a closely related discipline; a Bachelor’s degree in an engineering discipline; and demonstrated intellectual leadership and administrative skills. The successful applicant will have a dedication to the instructional and research mission of the university, including a strong commitment to advancing undergraduate engineering education through the development of innovative teaching pedagogies and curriculum development, and a strong history of funding and publications for engineering education related research projects. The successful candidate will also hold a tenure-track appointment in the department with rank and tenure commensurate with experience.


For the full job description and application requirements,

Please visit and search keyword: 93427


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Asst./Assoc. Professor of Engineering Education & Leadership @ UTEP


The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) ( seeks exceptional candidates for a faculty position in the Department of Engineering Education and Leadership (EEL, in the College of Engineering. This position will contribute to advancing research in engineering education, to developing the department’s graduate program, and to delivering our innovative B.S. program in Engineering Innovation and Leadership (E-Lead). The position is available for a fall 2024 start, and appointments will be at the Assistant or Associate Professor level; rank and competitive salary will be commensurate with experience.


The University of Texas at El Paso is a Carnegie R1 and Community-Engaged doctoral research university located in one of the largest binational communities in the world. The University enrolls 24,000 students, expends more than $130 million in research annually, and offers 169 bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs in nine colleges and schools. It has one of the lowest out-of-pocket costs of any research university in the U.S., underscoring its commitment to offer an exceptional education for all of our students. The search committee seeks applicants:


– Who have an appreciation of the bilingual, multicultural nature of our border community.

– Whose record in research, teaching, or service has prepared them to contribute to UTEP’s strategic efforts as America’s leading Hispanic-serving university.


The successful candidate will work collaboratively with EEL faculty to further build the department’s research program in engineering education. Candidates with a research focus on engineering education at the college level, and particularly in leadership development for engineers, are specifically encouraged to apply.


The department emphasizes innovative teaching with an entrepreneurial perspective that thrives in an active student-centered learning environment; most of our courses are co-taught and project-based. The successful candidate must be committed to the educational goals of the E-Lead program and enhance as well as promote it toward national prominence. The candidate’s experiences beyond the Ph.D. in engineering or related fields is pertinent to this position and should be discussed in the application materials; these might include experience with leadership, business, start-ups, social-benefit organizations, a complementary profession, and many more.




A successful candidate for this position will receive a tenure-track appointment as an Assistant or Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Education and Leadership in the College of Engineering. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in engineering, engineering education, or a related field; at least one degree (BS, MS, or PhD) in engineering or computer science is desirable.




Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.  For consideration, applicants should submit: 1) A letter of application describing your interests, emphasizing your abilities, qualities, and the reasons for your application; 2) Your detailed curriculum vitae; 3) Statement of your career objectives and vision for engineering education and engineering leadership; 4) Statement of education philosophy and teaching experience; 5) A description of research accomplishments and plan; and 6) List of three professional references including full contact information. If desired, applicants may also submit links to personal websites or portfolios that detail the applicant’s research, design work, business experience, etc. Please limit sections, except the CV, to two pages.


Further inquiries may be directed to Dr. Meagan Kendall, chair of the search committee, at

To apply, please visit


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: 2 Open Rank Faculty Positions in Engineering Education, University of Georgia


The Engineering Education Transformations Institute (EETI) at UGA is hiring two open-rank faculty positions in engineering education. EETI is a cross-cutting research institute that supports research and development in engineering education and builds capacity among faculty to develop, use, and examine effective and innovative pedagogical techniques. EETI is uniquely positioned within the College of Engineering and thus offers exceptional opportunities for innovative, empirically grounded educational research that is rooted in educational practice and has a direct impact on students, faculty, and curricula. EETI is committed to the integration of engineering education research and practice by coupling its growing engineering education Ph.D. program with comprehensive faculty and graduate student development programs that foster engineering education excellence and educational research across the college. EETI’s model and efforts build on transforming engineering education through building communities and shared capacity around the scholarship of teaching and learning in engineering. Thus, the strength of EETI’s efforts, and of the EETI community, is grounded in a shared commitment to the mission and values of the University, embracing collaboration as our mode of operating, and valuing individual strengths and interests. EETI plays a vital role in the enhancement of our educational programs, professional development of our students, staff, and faculty, and achievement of our goals to create more collaborative programs across our college.


Applications received by November 15 will receive full consideration. For more information, please contact EETI Director Julie P. Martin at




The National Association of Multicultural Engineering Program Advocates (NAMEPA) is seeking an innovative and experienced Executive Director (ED) to lead our organization in cultivating diversity, access, equity, and inclusion in engineering. As the nation’s leading community of change agents, we are dedicated to implementing programs, policies, and institutional changes to broaden participation in STEM.


The ED reports to the President and the Board of Directors. This is a remote position with some travel required to represent NAMEPA at conferences and networking events. Experience is vital for success in this role and will be highly considered.


Click here to read the full job description.


Education and Experience:

– Bachelor’s degree with 5 years of relevant experience, master’s degree in a relevant field, or a Ph.D. in a relevant field.

– Progressive leadership and management responsibilities.

– Knowledge of multicultural educational settings and/or non-profit organizations is preferred.



– Experienced in strategic planning and adaptation to emerging events and trends.

– Proven track record in developing and executing plans to secure financial resources for an organization.

– Knowledgeable in diversity, equity, and inclusion, particularly in higher education and/or STEM settings.

– Demonstrated ability to work remotely and deliver targeted outcomes.

– Demonstrated experience in working collaboratively with diverse groups as will be expected in this role.

– Strong communication and relationship-building skills.



Full-time Remote Salaried Employee with health care benefits, salary commensurate with experience.


To apply:

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, resume/CV, list of three (3) professional references (ideally a previous supervisor, colleague, and a direct report) references, and a diversity statement related to the work at NAMEPA to: Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.  The NAMEPA Executive Director Position Description.


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Positions in Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology


The Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology (MMET) department in RIT’s  College of Engineering Technology (CET) is currently seeking applications from candidates  for full-time, tenure-track positions, to support the Mechanical, Robotics & Manufacturing  and Mechatronics Engineering Technology programs. Candidates for this position will be  expected to teach, publish, and conduct externally funded research in areas related to  Mechatronic Systems. There are two openings, one focused on Mechanical Engineering,  and one focused on Mechatronics Engineering.


For more information about these positions and to apply Click Here and search 8272BR or  8273BR. If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Mathews


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Engineering Technology Exploration


RIT’s College of Engineering Technology (CET) seeks to expand and enhance its small and  growing team of engineering education researchers in our first-year programs. We invite  applications from candidates for a full-time Assistant Professor position in the CET  Exploration Program, with teaching expertise and disciplines in mechanical or civil  engineering. Responsibilities will include engineering education research, teaching, first year program development, and service.


For more information about this position and to apply Click Here and search 8279BR. If  you have any questions, please contact Rachel Mathews


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open-rank Faculty Positions in Engineering Education at Arizona State University


The Polytechnic School (TPS) within the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU) seeks applicants for multiple open-rank faculty positions (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor) in engineering education beginning August 2024. We intentionally seek to hire faculty who will contribute to our academic programs, promote transdisciplinary teaching and research, and help the university achieve its aspirations, including enabling student success, transforming society, valuing entrepreneurship, and promoting community-embeddedness. In efforts to advance our Engineering Education Systems and Design (EESD) programmatic vision forward, we encourage applications from those: (1) pursuing transformative and/or emerging research agendas; utilizing cutting-edge research methodologies; and/or disruptive in their approaches toward the attainment of inclusive excellence within engineering; and (2) navigating engineering with minoritized social identities in recognition that diverse voices, knowledge, and experiences are critical to the success of societal and technological innovation. See full job ad here:


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Positions in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Michigan State University


The Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (ChEMS) department at Michigan State University is hiring for several tenure-track faculty positions this year. One is open-rank and open-area and two are open-rank in Semiconductor Science and Engineering.

Interested applicants can apply here:


Open Area: (MSU Careers Details – Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Tenure System)


Semiconductor Science and Engineering: (MSU Careers Details – Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Tenure System)


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Computer Engineering at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE)


Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) invites applications for a full-time faculty position in Computer Engineering beginning in the Fall of 2024 at the Assistant, Associate, or full Professor rank. Applications are welcome in all areas of computer engineering. Candidates with technical backgrounds and teaching interests within computer networking, information security, wireless sensor networks, and the Internet of Things are especially encouraged to apply. We hope our candidate will share their passion for computer networking through hands-on application-oriented instruction in courses covering the entire hardware-software network protocol stack – from the physical layer to the application layer. Candidates must have an earned doctorate in computer engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, engineering education, or a closely related field by the beginning date of the appointment. Teaching and industrial experience are both valued. We also value candidates committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and belonging.


The vision of the EECS Department at MSOE is to be recognized for encouraging and supporting all our students to achieve their full potential. We strive to build a community of successful professionals that contribute to our global society.  We expect and reward a strong primary commitment to excellence in undergraduate teaching. Continuous improvement of teaching and continued professional development are expected. MSOE values a broad range of scholarly activities including engineering education research and development of industry partnerships.


Interested candidates can visit this application portal:


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral Research Positions in STEM Education at Clemson University


We are seeking three innovative and motivated Postdoctoral Researchers to join our dynamic team in the Department of Engineering and Science Education (ESED) at Clemson University and contribute to cutting-edge research in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. The cohort of postdocs will be supported by a recent NSF-funded project, Postdoctoral Research Opportunities and Mentoring for Inclusive STEM Education (PROMISE), which is focused on fostering transformative approaches to STEM education, broadening participation in STEM, supporting the development of a STEM-literate workforce, and enhancing communication of STEM topics, issues and policies to diverse audiences. More information about the project and application instructions can be found here:


We will be hosting two information sessions for prospective PROMISE postdoc applicants:

– Session 1: Program Overview –  Thursday, 10/12, 3:30 – 5 PM EDT Register here!

– Session 2: Application Guidance and Research Areas – Monday, 10/23, 6 – 8 PM EDT Register here!


Key Dates for Applying to the PROMISE Postdoctoral Research Program

– October 12, 2023, 3:30 – 5:00 pm EST: Information Session 1* (Program overview, Q and A)

– October 23, 2023, 6:00 – 8:00 pm EST: Information Session 2* (Research areas, professional development opportunities, Q and A)

– November 15, 2023, 5:00 – 7:00 pm EDT: STEM Education Postdoctoral Opportunity Summit (collaborative session to network with STEM education postdoctoral programs and positions nationwide)

– December 22, 2023: Deadline to submit preliminary application (CV, cover letter, short pre-recorded video)

– January 15, 2024: Selected semi-finalists for PROMISE postdoctoral positions notified

– February 15, 2024: Deadline for semi-finalists to submit full application packets (proposed project descriptions, professional development plan, three letters of recommendation)

– March 30, 2024: Finalists for PROMISE postdoctoral positions notified

– April 15, 2024: PROMISE Postdoctoral Researcher cohort announced

* Note: Potential applicants are encouraged to attend both information sessions if possible; however, general information about the PROMISE program will be presented in both sessions, and the sessions will be recorded for those who cannot attend one or both.


Questions? Contact Lisa Benson,


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor in Critical STEM Education at Tufts University


The Department of Education at Tufts University is seeking a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Critical STEM Education starting September 1, 2024. This is a new interdisciplinary position in the department that will bridge research and teaching in two different programs, Educational Studies, which offers a master’s degree, and STEM Education, which offers master’s and doctoral degrees.


The candidate is expected to maintain an active program of research at the intersections of STEM Education and Educational Studies, with an emphasis on pK-16 formal and/or informal educational settings. The candidate will be expected to seek extramural funding to support their work and students. The candidate will teach two (2) courses in the Educational Studies program and two (2) courses in the STEM Education program annually. Courses may be cross-listed across both programs as appropriate. The candidate will also mentor graduate students across both programs.


More information and application at:


Contact Michelle Pare ( for more information about the position.


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Two Postdoctoral Scholars in Engineering Education Research Texas A&M University


Texas A&M University’s Multidisciplinary Engineering department is seeking two postdoctoral scholars in the area of engineering education. The postdoctoral scholars will participate in data collection and analysis, conduct research and assessments with faculty and students, prepare manuscripts, present at conferences, and participate in grant writing. The position will also provide the opportunity for scholars to develop personalized professional development plans to support their own career advancement. Candidates nearing graduation are encouraged to apply. The successful candidates for this position are expected to have strong quantitative and qualitative research knowledge and skills and excellent communication capabilities, especially writing skills. Specific details about each of the two positions are provided:


One of the positions will enable the scholar to research, develop, and implement innovative strategies at the college level that promote effective learning in engineering education and contribute to the methodology of forming the engineer of 2050. How do we prepare students for jobs that do not yet exist, technologies not yet invented, and problems we are unaware of? How do current technologies, such as ChatGPT, impact the learning process? Increasing the success of students involves a complex network of strategies and tools that this scholar will incorporate. The scholar will work alongside Dr. Kristi Shryock, Frank and Jean Raymond Foundation Inc. Endowed Associate Professor, and will be co-mentored by Dr. George Ligler, Professor and Dean’s Excellence Chair in Multidisciplinary Engineering and member of the National Academy of Engineering.


The second position will focus on research on practice and effectiveness of multi- and inter-disciplinary engineering education, programming and outcomes of high-impact practices, and how broad definitions of diversity can maximize positive results in engineering education. Key research questions will investigate characteristics of existing students attracted to innovative academic programs, how these programs can increase added value for students, how recruiting can be improved, and how successes can be transferred across programs and institutions. They will work alongside Dr. Kelly Brumbelow, Associate Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering, and will be co-mentored by Dr. George Ligler, Professor and Dean’s Excellence Chair in Multidisciplinary Engineering and member of the National Academy of Engineering.


Required Qualifications: Hold a PhD in an engineering discipline and have a demonstrated interest in pursuing a career that includes a focus on research in engineering education at the college level. Candidates must have strong oral and written communication skills and are expected to work well in a team setting.


Anticipated Start Date: As soon as can be arranged with a two-year appointment envisaged, contingent upon successful evaluation after year one.


Salary Range: $54,000 to $61,000 per year, commensurate with education, experience, and qualifications.


Hours: 40 hours per week


Please submit the following documents together in a single PDF to Dr. Shryock at  curriculum vitae; cover letter, indicating which of the two positions you would prefer; full contact information of three references.


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open Rank Interdisciplinary Engineering Education Position at Texas A&M University


The Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering, College of Engineering, at Texas A&M University invites applications for a full-time tenured/tenure-track position with a 9-month academic appointment beginning as early as spring 2024. Applicants will be considered for the faculty titles of professor, associate professor, or assistant professor depending on qualifications. This position will focus on interdisciplinary engineering education and be expected to provide leadership for development of research and academic programs in this area.


Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, personal statement to include philosophy and plans for research, teaching and service, as applicable, and a list of four references (including postal addresses, phone numbers and email addresses) by applying for this specific position at Full consideration will be given to applications received by November 15, 2023. Applications received after that date may be considered until position is filled.


For questions regarding the application process or other inquiries, please contact:


Dr. George Ligler, Search Chair, Professor and Dean’s Excellence Chair in Multidisciplinary Engineering,

Ms. Angie Dunn, Program Specialist,


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: South Dakota School of Mines & Technology: Design Theory and Methodology faculty position


The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology is growing. We are looking for a tenure-track or lecturer position in Design Theory and Methodology, in addition to a couple of other focus areas:





The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the South Dakota School of Mines &

Technology invites applications for

– multiple nine-month, tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant or Associate Professor level.

– multiple nine-month, non-tenure track faculty positions at the Instructor, Lecturer, or Senior Lecturer level.


An earned PhD in Mechanical Engineering, or a closely related field is required. Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, are required. Preference will be given to candidates with expertise in one of the following four areas: (1) dynamic systems, controls, & robotics, (2) design theory and methodology, (3) thermal-fluids systems, or (4) solid mechanics. Applicants should indicate their area of interest in their cover letter. The successful candidate will be expected to develop an externally funded research program in their area of expertise, teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and participate in service-related activities. Salary is commensurate with qualifications. The anticipated start term is August 2024.


We have recently been recognized with the ASME Donald N. Zwiep Innovation in Education Award for our undergraduate program project-based learning approach ( More information about our department is at


Contact Micah Lande <> with questions or more information.




ERM Announcements, October 16, 2023

Hello, ERM Colleagues –

We have an immense range of opportunities in this newsletter–please check them out! Also, don’t forget the opportunities from prior newsletters, which you can find archived here.

The 2023 IEEE ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference is starting this week. The ERM division is one of three sponsors for this conference, and I look forward to seeing many of you in College Station, TX. Thank you to our volunteers (Saira Anwar, Rachel Kajfez, Homero Murzi, P.K. Imbrie, Rebecca Reck, Jean Mohammadi-Aragh, Racheida Lewis) who have served in various leadership and service roles to make this conference happen! For those of you present at the conference, we will have the ERM Business Meeting at 2:20 – 3:30 pm CT on Friday (10/20) in the Traditions Room. While we will be unable to provide a synchronous remote participation option, I will follow up here in the next newsletter with the opportunity to contribute to any discussion points from the meeting. I will send a consent agenda by Wednesday (10/18) morning.

Best regards,



ERM Announcements for 10/16/2023


General Announcements 


  2. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: NSF Solicitation Announcement – Ideas Lab for Personalized Engineering Learning
  3. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: University of Michigan Engineering Education Research Virtual Open House: 10/30/23, 2:00 – 4:00 pm ET
  4. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Virginia Tech Engineering Education Ph.D. Program Open House
  5. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Mental Health and Wellness Virtual Community
  6. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: REEN Call for Governing Board Members
  7. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: STEM Education Postdoctoral Opportunities Summit
  8. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Updated NSF RFE Program Announcement
  9. PROCESS ADJUSTMENT FOR JEE: Guest Editorial Process for the Journal of Engineering Education
  10. CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Call for JEE Associate Editors
  11. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Arizona State University’s Engineering Education Systems & Design PhD Program Open House


Position Announcements 


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: 2 Open Rank Faculty Positions in Engineering Education, University of Georgia
  3. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Positions in Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
  4. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Engineering Technology Exploration at the Rochester Institute of Technology
  5. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open-rank Faculty Positions in Engineering Education at Arizona State University
  6. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Positions in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Michigan State University
  7. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Computer Engineering at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE)
  8. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral Research Positions in STEM Education at Clemson University
  9. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor in Critical STEM Education at Tufts University
  10. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Two Postdoctoral Scholars in Engineering Education Research Texas A&M University
  11. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open Rank Interdisciplinary Engineering Education Position at Texas A&M University
  12. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: South Dakota School of Mines & Technology: Design Theory and Methodology faculty position
  13. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open Associate/Full Tenured Faculty Position in the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University
  14. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity in Cybersecurity Education at Purdue University
  15. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Metals & Wood Shop Manager – Labriola Innovation Hub, Colorado School of Mines
  16. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Research Asst Prof at University of New Mexico
  17. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Engineering Education at Utah State University
  18. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Asst Professor in Design and Humanitarian Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
  19. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Two Open Positions in Mechanical Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott


General Announcements




Office hours regarding the upcoming NSF RIEF solicitation will be help on November 1, 2023 from 2-3 PM.  The Zoom link for the meeting will be:


If you have more extensive questions about your RIEF proposal, you can also reach out directly at


  1. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: NSF Solicitation Announcement – Ideas Lab for Personalized Engineering Learning


The National Science Foundation released their solicitation for the Ideas Lab: Personalized Engineering Learning (PEL).  This Ideas Lab will bring together a diverse group of participants to focus on finding innovative cross-disciplinary solutions to the NAE Grand Challenge of advancing personalized learning. The full solicitation, including instructions for how to apply to participate, can be found at:


We will host an informational webinar on October 23rd, 2023 at 3:00pm Eastern to discuss the solicitation and to answer questions from prospective applicants. Registration is required – please register here (


  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: University of Michigan Engineering Education Research Virtual Open House: 10/30/23, 2:00 – 4:00 pm ET


We are excited to invite all interested students to attend an open house to learn about the UM’s graduate program in Engineering Education Research (EER). UM’s EER program represents a unique, interdisciplinary model: EER Ph.D. students (who receive a full, 5-year funding package) are part of a college-wide program, while several tenure-line EER faculty are embedded within the traditional engineering departments. The integrated nature of the program allows the EER faculty and their research groups to be well-integrated with the traditional engineering disciplines, and it provides students a better opportunity to engage in innovative research and make scholarly contributions to the engineering education community. More information about the program is available at our EER website.


We will be hosting a Virtual Open House on Monday, October 30, 2023 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm ET. Participants will learn about the EER graduate program, meet faculty and graduate students, and hear about the UM campus and Ann Arbor. Attendees will also be eligible for an application fee waiver.


Please register to attend at this open house registration site and please forward this link to any friends who may be interested. Email us for more information at


  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Virginia Tech Engineering Education Ph.D. Program Open House


The Engineering Education Ph.D. program at Virginia Tech will host Open House events for prospective Ph.D. students on Nov 1, 2023 (virtual) and Nov 2, 2023 (virtual and in-person). Both the Virtual Open House and the In-Person Open House will feature an introduction to our program and a chance to talk with faculty and current graduate students. Attendees will learn more about our Ph.D. program and welcoming community.  Click here for links to register for one of the Open House events.


We strongly encourage those interested in a Ph.D. program that is balanced between research and real-world application to apply. Visit the Virginia Tech Engineering Education website to learn more about our Ph.D. program.


We hope you give Virginia Tech serious consideration as you explore Ph.D. programs!  If you have any questions, please contact Mara Knott, Academic Program Manager, at


  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Mental Health and Wellness Virtual Community


Are you interested in gathering to talk about mental health and wellness in engineering?


The Mental Health and Wellness in Engineering Virtual Community is an informal, approximately monthly meeting to discuss topics of mental health and wellness and initiate collaborations. Previous topics have included mid-semester overwhelm, inclusive syllabus development, and authenticity. All are welcome. Topics and discussions, as well as event days and times, will rotate each month. You are welcome to attend as many or as few sessions that make sense for your schedule.


Join us on Zoom for monthly discussions. Sign up here!



  1. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: REEN Call for Governing Board Members


The Research in Engineering Education Network (REEN) Governing Board is seeking nominations to fill two board positions, including one to represent North America. We are looking for individuals who are passionate about engineering education research and building capacity. We aim to fill these positions for terms running from January 2024 – December 2027.


The REEN Governing Board is responsible for implementing the mission and goals of REEN by providing strategic direction, continuity, and overall leadership in Engineering Education Research (EER). By doing this, REEN aims to help educators generate research on good practices and innovative approaches in education contexts, and through this, support the implementation of research-based approaches in engineering education. Further information can be obtained by visiting our website:


More information is included in the attached Call for Members.


If you are interested in being a REEN governing board member, please send the following information as a single Word or PDF file to Teresa Hattingh ( – REEN Governing Board Chair, by 31 October 2023:


  • Motivation & Vision statement — approximately 200 words describing your involvement in EER and REEN, why you are interested in being on the REEN Governing board, and your vision for advancing EER in your area.
  • CV — up to two pages highlighting activity and accomplishments in EER to illustrate the perspectives, experience, expertise, and contributions you will bring.


Applications will be evaluated based on the five criteria elaborated in the Call for Members. Note that applicants do not need to have experience in every area to apply, though some exposure to and participation in REES or other REEN activities would be beneficial. Additionally, we are looking for your vision in advancing EER in your region


  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: STEM Education Postdoctoral Opportunities Summit


The STEM Education Postdoc Summit (a.k.a. the “Summit”) will be a virtual event to connect doctoral students and recent doctoral graduates with postdoctoral opportunities nationwide. The goals of the Summit are to connect doctoral students and recent doctoral graduates with postdoctoral opportunities nationwide, to elevate emerging scholars, and to provide professional networking pathways for a diverse pool of applicants. Doctoral candidates or recent graduates interested in applying for STEM education postdoc positions will have the opportunity to present a “pitch” about themselves, their research, and goals for pursuing a postdoctoral experience. STEM education researchers with open postdoc positions will present information about their program to recruit applicants.


The Summit will be held on Wednesday, November 15, 5 – 7 pm Eastern time.

STEM education researcher looking to hire one or more postdocs, Ph.D. students or recent Ph.D. graduate seeking a postdoc position in STEM education, or those seeking information about postdoc positions in STEM education can register here!


Questions? Contact Lisa Benson,


The Summit is being organized and supported by the NSF-funded project, Postdoctoral Research Opportunities and Mentoring for Inclusive STEM Education (PROMISE):


  1. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Updated NSF RFE Program Announcement


The program announcement for the NSF ENG/EEC “Research in the Formation of Engineers (RFE)” Program has been updated for 2023.  The new program number is PD 24-1340. The link to the new program description is:  The old program description has been archived, but as of 9/15/23 it was still showing up as a top link in Google. The program continues to have no formal deadline for submissions.


  1. PROCESS ADJUSTMENT FOR JEE: Guest Editorial Process for the Journal of Engineering Education


An important form of scholarly communication happens via guest editorials within the Journal of Engineering Education. This mechanism enables timely commentary on pressing issues and enables authors to communicate their expertise on a topic in a format that differs from other kinds of manuscript submissions. Unsolicited guest editorials are welcome. We will be following a standard process moving forward to ensure authors from across the entire engineering education research community have equitable access to this communication mechanism. Please visit the following website for information regarding this submission process:


  1. CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Call for JEE Associate Editors


The Journal of Engineering Education (JEE), which serves to cultivate, disseminate, and archive scholarly research in engineering education, is currently accepting applications for Associate Editors. Associate Editors are an integral part of the JEE Editorial Board and ensure the quality and timeliness of published material. Associate Editors serve 3-year terms that may be renewed.


An Associate Editor’s primary responsibilities are (1) reading manuscripts submitted to JEE, (2) recruiting and selecting reviewers to review the manuscripts, (3) synthesizing reviewers’ comments and feedback, (4) integrating that feedback with their own evaluative and constructive report reflecting the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript, and (5) making a recommendation to the JEE Editor. Other duties include attending quarterly (virtual) meetings of the JEE Editorial Board, selecting the annual Wickenden award winner, and completing various tasks related to maintaining the quality and relevance of JEE. Generally, an Associate Editor will be assigned 12-16 manuscripts annually.


To qualify for the position, an Associate Editor must have an earned doctoral degree, be an active researcher in engineering education or a related field, and have experience publishing in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education research. Preferred qualifications include previous experience as a peer reviewer of a scholarly journal, publication experience in peer-reviewed journals, and rank at the associate professor (or equivalent) level.


If interested, please submit a cover letter, CV and list of references to David Knight ( and Joyce Main (, JEE Co-Editors-in-Chief. In your cover letter, please describe why you wish to serve as a JEE Associate Editor and what you could contribute in this role (e.g., research methods, content knowledge, work experience), especially as they pertain to responsibilities and qualifications for the position. We will be accepting applications on a rolling basis.


  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Arizona State University’s Engineering Education Systems & Design PhD Program Open House


The 2023 Engineering Education Systems and Design (EESD) PhD Program Open House for prospective students will be held on Friday, October 13, 2023, 1:00-3:30pm EDT. Join us to learn how you can become an exemplary scholar dedicated to transforming the engineering education ecosystem. Activities will include getting to know both ASU and the EESD program and meeting faculty and current students. Interested prospective students can use the following link to REGISTER. Optional one-on-one faculty meetings can be scheduled thereafter. The EESD program prepares graduates for careers in higher education, science centers, government agencies, museums, policy-setting institutions, and industry. Contact Dr. Nadia Kellam ( and Dr. Shawn Jordan ( for questions about the open house, and visit the ASU EESD PhD programwebsite for more information about the program.





Position Announcements


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: 2 Open Rank Faculty Positions in Engineering Education, University of Georgia


The Engineering Education Transformations Institute (EETI) at UGA is hiring two open-rank faculty positions in engineering education. EETI is a cross-cutting research institute that supports research and development in engineering education and builds capacity among faculty to develop, use, and examine effective and innovative pedagogical techniques. EETI is uniquely positioned within the College of Engineering and thus offers exceptional opportunities for innovative, empirically grounded educational research that is rooted in educational practice and has a direct impact on students, faculty, and curricula. EETI is committed to the integration of engineering education research and practice by coupling its growing engineering education Ph.D. program with comprehensive faculty and graduate student development programs that foster engineering education excellence and educational research across the college. EETI’s model and efforts build on transforming engineering education through building communities and shared capacity around the scholarship of teaching and learning in engineering. Thus, the strength of EETI’s efforts, and of the EETI community, is grounded in a shared commitment to the mission and values of the University, embracing collaboration as our mode of operating, and valuing individual strengths and interests. EETI plays a vital role in the enhancement of our educational programs, professional development of our students, staff, and faculty, and achievement of our goals to create more collaborative programs across our college.


Applications received by November 15 will receive full consideration. For more information, please contact EETI Director Julie P. Martin




The National Association of Multicultural Engineering Program Advocates (NAMEPA) is seeking an innovative and experienced Executive Director (ED) to lead our organization in cultivating diversity, access, equity, and inclusion in engineering. As the nation’s leading community of change agents, we are dedicated to implementing programs, policies, and institutional changes to broaden participation in STEM.


The ED reports to the President and the Board of Directors. This is a remote position with some travel required to represent NAMEPA at conferences and networking events. Experience is vital for success in this role and will be highly considered.


Click here to read the full job description.


Education and Experience:

– Bachelor’s degree with 5 years of relevant experience, master’s degree in a relevant field, or a Ph.D. in a relevant field.

– Progressive leadership and management responsibilities.

– Knowledge of multicultural educational settings and/or non-profit organizations is preferred.



– Experienced in strategic planning and adaptation to emerging events and trends.

– Proven track record in developing and executing plans to secure financial resources for an organization.

– Knowledgeable in diversity, equity, and inclusion, particularly in higher education and/or STEM settings.

– Demonstrated ability to work remotely and deliver targeted outcomes.

– Demonstrated experience in working collaboratively with diverse groups as will be expected in this role.

– Strong communication and relationship-building skills.



Full-time Remote Salaried Employee with health care benefits, salary commensurate with experience.


To apply:

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, resume/CV, list of three (3) professional references (ideally a previous supervisor, colleague, and a direct report) references, and a diversity statement related to the work at NAMEPA to: Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.  The NAMEPA Executive Director Position Description.


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Positions in Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology


The Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology (MMET) department in RIT’s  College of Engineering Technology (CET) is currently seeking applications from candidates  for full-time, tenure-track positions, to support the Mechanical, Robotics & Manufacturing  and Mechatronics Engineering Technology programs. Candidates for this position will be  expected to teach, publish, and conduct externally funded research in areas related to  Mechatronic Systems. There are two openings, one focused on Mechanical Engineering,  and one focused on Mechatronics Engineering.


For more information about these positions and to apply Click Here and search 8272BR or  8273BR. If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Mathews


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Engineering Technology Exploration


RIT’s College of Engineering Technology (CET) seeks to expand and enhance its small and  growing team of engineering education researchers in our first-year programs. We invite  applications from candidates for a full-time Assistant Professor position in the CET  Exploration Program, with teaching expertise and disciplines in mechanical or civil  engineering. Responsibilities will include engineering education research, teaching, first year program development, and service.


For more information about this position and to apply Click Here and search 8279BR. If  you have any questions, please contact Rachel


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open-rank Faculty Positions in Engineering Education at Arizona State University


The Polytechnic School (TPS) within the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU) seeks applicants for multiple open-rank faculty positions (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor) in engineering education beginning August 2024. We intentionally seek to hire faculty who will contribute to our academic programs, promote transdisciplinary teaching and research, and help the university achieve its aspirations, including enabling student success, transforming society, valuing entrepreneurship, and promoting community-embeddedness. In efforts to advance our Engineering Education Systems and Design (EESD) programmatic vision forward, we encourage applications from those: (1) pursuing transformative and/or emerging research agendas; utilizing cutting-edge research methodologies; and/or disruptive in their approaches toward the attainment of inclusive excellence within engineering; and (2) navigating engineering with minoritized social identities in recognition that diverse voices, knowledge, and experiences are critical to the success of societal and technological innovation. See full job ad here:


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Positions in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Michigan State University


The Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (ChEMS) department at Michigan State University is hiring for several tenure-track faculty positions this year. One is open-rank and open-area and two are open-rank in Semiconductor Science and Engineering.

Interested applicants can apply here:


Open Area: (MSU Careers Details – Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Tenure System)


Semiconductor Science and Engineering: (MSU Careers Details – Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Tenure System)


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Computer Engineering at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE)


Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) invites applications for a full-time faculty position in Computer Engineering beginning in the Fall of 2024 at the Assistant, Associate, or full Professor rank. Applications are welcome in all areas of computer engineering. Candidates with technical backgrounds and teaching interests within computer networking, information security, wireless sensor networks, and the Internet of Things are especially encouraged to apply. We hope our candidate will share their passion for computer networking through hands-on application-oriented instruction in courses covering the entire hardware-software network protocol stack – from the physical layer to the application layer. Candidates must have an earned doctorate in computer engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, engineering education, or a closely related field by the beginning date of the appointment. Teaching and industrial experience are both valued. We also value candidates committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and belonging.


The vision of the EECS Department at MSOE is to be recognized for encouraging and supporting all our students to achieve their full potential. We strive to build a community of successful professionals that contribute to our global society.  We expect and reward a strong primary commitment to excellence in undergraduate teaching. Continuous improvement of teaching and continued professional development are expected. MSOE values a broad range of scholarly activities including engineering education research and development of industry partnerships.


Interested candidates can visit this application portal:


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral Research Positions in STEM Education at Clemson University


We are seeking three innovative and motivated Postdoctoral Researchers to join our dynamic team in the Department of Engineering and Science Education (ESED) at Clemson University and contribute to cutting-edge research in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. The cohort of postdocs will be supported by a recent NSF-funded project, Postdoctoral Research Opportunities and Mentoring for Inclusive STEM Education (PROMISE), which is focused on fostering transformative approaches to STEM education, broadening participation in STEM, supporting the development of a STEM-literate workforce, and enhancing communication of STEM topics, issues and policies to diverse audiences. More information about the project and application instructions can be found here:


We will be hosting two information sessions for prospective PROMISE postdoc applicants:

– Session 1: Program Overview –  Thursday, 10/12, 3:30 – 5 PM EDT Register here!

– Session 2: Application Guidance and Research Areas – Monday, 10/23, 6 – 8 PM EDT Register here!


Key Dates for Applying to the PROMISE Postdoctoral Research Program

– October 12, 2023, 3:30 – 5:00 pm EST: Information Session 1* (Program overview, Q and A)

– October 23, 2023, 6:00 – 8:00 pm EST: Information Session 2* (Research areas, professional development opportunities, Q and A)

– November 15, 2023, 5:00 – 7:00 pm EDT: STEM Education Postdoctoral Opportunity Summit (collaborative session to network with STEM education postdoctoral programs and positions nationwide)

– December 22, 2023: Deadline to submit preliminary application (CV, cover letter, short pre-recorded video)

– January 15, 2024: Selected semi-finalists for PROMISE postdoctoral positions notified

– February 15, 2024: Deadline for semi-finalists to submit full application packets (proposed project descriptions, professional development plan, three letters of recommendation)

– March 30, 2024: Finalists for PROMISE postdoctoral positions notified

– April 15, 2024: PROMISE Postdoctoral Researcher cohort announced

* Note: Potential applicants are encouraged to attend both information sessions if possible; however, general information about the PROMISE program will be presented in both sessions, and the sessions will be recorded for those who cannot attend one or both.


Questions? Contact Lisa Benson,


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor in Critical STEM Education at Tufts University


The Department of Education at Tufts University is seeking a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Critical STEM Education starting September 1, 2024. This is a new interdisciplinary position in the department that will bridge research and teaching in two different programs, Educational Studies, which offers a master’s degree, and STEM Education, which offers master’s and doctoral degrees.


The candidate is expected to maintain an active program of research at the intersections of STEM Education and Educational Studies, with an emphasis on pK-16 formal and/or informal educational settings. The candidate will be expected to seek extramural funding to support their work and students. The candidate will teach two (2) courses in the Educational Studies program and two (2) courses in the STEM Education program annually. Courses may be cross-listed across both programs as appropriate. The candidate will also mentor graduate students across both programs.


More information and application at:


Contact Michelle Pare ( for more information about the position.


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Two Postdoctoral Scholars in Engineering Education Research Texas A&M University


Texas A&M University’s Multidisciplinary Engineering department is seeking two postdoctoral scholars in the area of engineering education. The postdoctoral scholars will participate in data collection and analysis, conduct research and assessments with faculty and students, prepare manuscripts, present at conferences, and participate in grant writing. The position will also provide the opportunity for scholars to develop personalized professional development plans to support their own career advancement. Candidates nearing graduation are encouraged to apply. The successful candidates for this position are expected to have strong quantitative and qualitative research knowledge and skills and excellent communication capabilities, especially writing skills. Specific details about each of the two positions are provided:

One of the positions will enable the scholar to research, develop, and implement innovative strategies at the college level that promote effective learning in engineering education and contribute to the methodology of forming the engineer of 2050. How do we prepare students for jobs that do not yet exist, technologies not yet invented, and problems we are unaware of? How do current technologies, such as ChatGPT, impact the learning process? Increasing the success of students involves a complex network of strategies and tools that this scholar will incorporate. The scholar will work alongside Dr. Kristi Shryock, Frank and Jean Raymond Foundation Inc. Endowed Associate Professor, and will be co-mentored by Dr. George Ligler, Professor and Dean’s Excellence Chair in Multidisciplinary Engineering and member of the National Academy of Engineering.


The second position will focus on research on practice and effectiveness of multi- and inter-disciplinary engineering education, programming and outcomes of high-impact practices, and how broad definitions of diversity can maximize positive results in engineering education. Key research questions will investigate characteristics of existing students attracted to innovative academic programs, how these programs can increase added value for students, how recruiting can be improved, and how successes can be transferred across programs and institutions. They will work alongside Dr. Kelly Brumbelow, Associate Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering, and will be co-mentored by Dr. George Ligler, Professor and Dean’s Excellence Chair in Multidisciplinary Engineering and member of the National Academy of Engineering.


Required Qualifications: Hold a PhD in an engineering discipline and have a demonstrated interest in pursuing a career that includes a focus on research in engineering education at the college level. Candidates must have strong oral and written communication skills and are expected to work well in a team setting.


Anticipated Start Date: As soon as can be arranged with a two-year appointment envisaged, contingent upon successful evaluation after year one.


Salary Range: $54,000 to $61,000 per year, commensurate with education, experience, and qualifications.


Hours: 40 hours per week


Please submit the following documents together in a single PDF to Dr. Shryock at  curriculum vitae; cover letter, indicating which of the two positions you would prefer; full contact information of three references.


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open Rank Interdisciplinary Engineering Education Position at Texas A&M University


The Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering, College of Engineering, at Texas A&M University invites applications for a full-time tenured/tenure-track position with a 9-month academic appointment beginning as early as spring 2024. Applicants will be considered for the faculty titles of professor, associate professor, or assistant professor depending on qualifications. This position will focus on interdisciplinary engineering education and be expected to provide leadership for development of research and academic programs in this area.


Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, personal statement to include philosophy and plans for research, teaching and service, as applicable, and a list of four references (including postal addresses, phone numbers and email addresses) by applying for this specific position at Full consideration will be given to applications received by November 15, 2023. Applications received after that date may be considered until position is filled.


For questions regarding the application process or other inquiries, please contact:


Dr. George Ligler, Search Chair, Professor and Dean’s Excellence Chair in Multidisciplinary Engineering,

Ms. Angie Dunn, Program Specialist,


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: South Dakota School of Mines & Technology: Design Theory and Methodology faculty position


The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology is growing. We are looking for a tenure-track or lecturer position in Design Theory and Methodology, in addition to a couple of other focus areas:





The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the South Dakota School of Mines &

Technology invites applications for

– multiple nine-month, tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant or Associate Professor level.

– multiple nine-month, non-tenure track faculty positions at the Instructor, Lecturer, or Senior Lecturer level.


An earned PhD in Mechanical Engineering, or a closely related field is required. Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, are required. Preference will be given to candidates with expertise in one of the following four areas: (1) dynamic systems, controls, & robotics, (2) design theory and methodology, (3) thermal-fluids systems, or (4) solid mechanics. Applicants should indicate their area of interest in their cover letter. The successful candidate will be expected to develop an externally funded research program in their area of expertise, teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and participate in service-related activities. Salary is commensurate with qualifications. The anticipated start term is August 2024.


We have recently been recognized with the ASME Donald N. Zwiep Innovation in Education Award for our undergraduate program project-based learning approach ( More information about our department is at


Contact Micah Lande <> with questions or more information.


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open Associate/Full Tenured Faculty Position in the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University


The Department of Engineering Education ( at The Ohio State University ( invites applications for a tenured faculty position at the rank of Associate or Full Professor to start August 2024. We are seeking innovative scholars in engineering education who will help further the growth of our department.


The Associate or Full Professor will be required to individually establish a research program at OSU, secure outside funding, advise graduate students within our engineering education Ph.D. program, teach courses across the department – including our first-year engineering program, and contribute to leadership and mentorship within the unit. This individual will engage with the department across the various programmatic areas (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Multidisciplinary Capstone / Integrated Business and Engineering; Graduate Studies and Research; Engineering Technical Communications; Fundamentals of Engineering).


For questions regarding this position, please contact Search Committee Chair, Dr. Rachel Louis Kajfez at Application review will begin November 1, 2023. Applicants may view the entire job posting including required and desired qualifications and apply here.


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity in Cybersecurity Education at Purdue University


The School of Engineering Education and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue seek a postdoctoral fellow to study cybersecurity competence for cyber-physical systems engineering.  The objective of this project is to develop a framework of cybersecurity competence by establishing the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to engineer secure cyber-physical systems. One focus of the research project will be human-subjects research with industry and government practitioners, such as our partners at Rolls Royce, Cisco, ThreatModeler, and the US Coast Guard to characterize the KSAs necessary for success in engineering secure cyber-physical systems. The second focus will be developing and piloting assessments of these KSAs suitable for use with undergraduate and graduate students.


A strong applicant will have prior research experience in relevant areas including cybersecurity education, computing education, or engineering education. An ideal applicant would have training both in computing (e.g. electrical engineering, computer engineering, computer science) and in educational learning theories and research methods. Candidates should have strong written and oral communication skills, ability to thrive in a collaborative environment, and experience and interest in working in an interdisciplinary context.


This co-advisors for this position are Profs. James Davis ( and Kirsten Davis (, and the desired start date is Spring 2024 or later. Interested individuals must apply through Purdue’s Gilbreth Fellowship program by Nov. 1, 2023, as described here:


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Metals & Wood Shop Manager – Labriola Innovation Hub, Colorado School of Mines


The Labriola Innovation Hub is a newly constructed, state of the art makerspace for student projects and prototyping. It will include a Metals Shop and a Wood Shop to support hands-on and project-based learning for coursework, personal projects, and entrepreneurial projects for all of Mines students and to support instruction for Cornerstone and Capstone design courses. The Labriola Innovation Hub Metals & Wood shops are not production shops.

The position exists to: 1) oversee the operations and maintenance of the Labriola Innovation Hub Metals & Wood Shops in support of instructional classes that use the Shops, 2) recruit, train and manage a team of student assistants to support shop operations and student learning in the Shops, 3) develop and provide training for student users as part of the Mines students’ undergraduate academic course work across all departments at Mines and Capstone Senior Design projects, and 4) support Entrepreneurship & Innovation programs that utilize the Labriola Innovation Hub.


We are looking for someone who is passionate about hands-on, project-based learning for STEM focused students and creating a positive, inclusive peer teaching environment. Learn more and apply here,—Labriola-Innovation-Hub_JR102414


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Research Asst Prof at University of New Mexico


The School of Engineering at the University of New Mexico under the direction of Dean Donna Riley, is seeking a research faculty member to work on topics involving undergraduate and graduate student pathways and success, including the impact of curriculum on student progression, culture of equity, inclusion, and belonging, and other factors impacting student outcomes. The research faculty member will collaborate on proposals and grant-funded projects related to institutional change, design and conduct experiments related to student success interventions, and the application of predictive analytics tools and frameworks to inform faculty, staff, administrator, and student decision-making. For more information visit:


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Engineering Education at Utah State University


The Department of Engineering Education ( at Utah State University (USU) is seeking applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level. This is a nine-month academic-year appointment starting August 1, 2024. Candidates must have earned a doctorate in an engineering discipline, engineering education, cognitive science, education, or psychology by the start of the appointment. Candidates must also have a B.S. and M.S. in an engineering discipline. The ideal candidates are expected to demonstrate the potential to develop a strong and externally-funded research program in engineering education, a track record of peer-reviewed publications, potential or record of teaching competency at both graduate and undergraduate levels, and evidence of professional leadership skills.

Interested applicants should apply online via the Utah State University College of Engineering Career page ( and then click on “Learn more about the Assistant Professor Position” under the Engineering Education category. The application should include 1) Curriculum vitae;  2) Cover letter; 3) Research Statement describing the primary research areas and potential funding sources the applicant will target; 4) Teaching Statement describing teaching philosophy as well as undergraduate and graduate courses the applicant is capable of teaching; and 5) Names, titles, phone numbers, and email addresses of three professional references.  Employment at USU is subject to background checks. The review of applications will start on January 15, 2024, and will remain open until the position is filled. For inquiries, please contact the Search Committee Chair, Dr. Oenardi Lawanto, at (435) 797-8699 or However, do not send your applications directly to Dr. Lawanto.  All applications must be sent online.


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-Track Asst Professor in Design and Humanitarian Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin


The Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin seeks applicants for multiple tenure-track positions at the rank of Assistant Professor, including DESIGN AND HUMANITARIAN ENGINEERING, including: (a) development, piloting, and evaluation of technologies and interventions for low-resourced environments; (b) design methodologies, such as participatory design, that actively involve users in low resourced environments; and (c) environmentally-conscious design. Candidates with a desire to contribute to the goals of the Humanitarian Engineering Certificate Program are especially encouraged to apply. Full consideration deadline is November 15, 2023.


  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Two Open Positions in Mechanical Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott


The College of Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona, invites applications for a tenure-track position in our Mechanical Engineering Department. The position is available in Spring or Fall 2024 at the Assistant/Associate Professor level . The Mechanical Engineering program offers three tracks where students can focus their studies: Energy, Propulsion, and Robotics. The department is particularly interested in candidates with industry experience in one of these specialties, and there is a specific need for candidates with a strong background in High Temperature Materials.

The successful candidate shall have a strong interest and ability to teach undergraduate courses and laboratories and to perform applied research. The ideal candidate will be willing to mentor and collaborate with students on research and student projects. The Prescott Campus of Embry-Riddle is a small, private, residential university located in the mountains of northern Arizona where faculty/student interaction is highly valued and is a central theme of the campus environment.


An earned Doctorate in Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering and related experience is desired, but candidates with significant industry experience and a Masters degree are strongly encouraged to apply. Application material should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of professional goals and teaching philosophy, and contact information for three professional references. The application should reference IRC-160344. Materials may be submitted in electronic form through Queries may be submitted via email to the Mechanical Engineering Chair, Associate Professor, Elliott Bryner


Link to application:






To send an announcement to the ERM listserv, please prepare a 2-3 paragraph description including any relevant URLs as well as a subject line. Be sure that the announcement includes the person to contact with questions. Submit all of this information to James Huff via Announcements will be sent out on the 1st and 15th of each month or the first weekday following. Submissions 48 hours before these dates will be guaranteed to be included in announcements. Each set of announcements will be included in the announcements email twice. Announcements will also be recorded on the ERM website:

For more resources and position announcements, please refer to the Engineering Education Community Resource Wiki available at  A direct link to job postings at