Happy Monday and happy first day of March to you! I don’t really know where February went. It seemed to go by with a blur this year. However, I am very excited that it is March. Here in the northern hemisphere, spring is just around the corner. I am starting to see some signs of spring here in central PA. I can hear lots of birds chirping in the morning. And just today, I noticed that there are small sprouts for my daffodils in my front yard. There is still a lot of snow that needs to melt here, but the weather is forecasting for warm weather over the next week. And as someone who does not enjoy cold, that makes me very happy!
A couple of reminders for you. In just one week, ASEE paper drafts are due! Make sure you get your papers in before the deadline!
As a second reminder, in the last newsletter, I mentioned that I wanted to give ERM members the opportunity to provide feedback about the 2021 conference. If you have not already done so, please compete this very short survey. I will keep the survey open until March 10.
Please complete this short survey about your likelihood of attending the 2021 conference and provide any comments or questions that you may have. The link is: https://pennstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bw7oliEz8cNuI98.
I hope you are all doing well! If you see some signs of spring (or whatever season you’re in) in your neighborhood, send me a photo! Hearing from other ERM members is always fun for me.
ERM Announcements for 3/1/2021
General Announcements
- EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: ASEE Webinar: Learning in the Time of Coronavirus
- EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: NETI-3D workshop registration opened
- CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Graduate Student Research on Teaching Development Programs
Position Announcements
- POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral Fellow for NSF RIEF Grant at Georgia Tech Department of Biomedical Engineering
- POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral Research on Georgia Tech Biomedical Engineering Department NSF RED Grant
- POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open Clinical Faculty of Practice Position, Department of Engineering Education, The Ohio State University
- POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Engineering Communication at the University of Manitoba, in Winnipeg, Canada
General Announcements
- EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: ASEE Webinar: Learning in the Time of Coronavirus
ASEE Webinar: Learning in the time of coronavirus, March 30, 2021 – 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET. – https://resources.asee.org/course_catalog/learning_in_the_time_of_coronavirus/
The past year has signaled a monumental change in engineering education with the near universal shift to remote learning. Although this shift occurred suddenly, engineering education has undergone several shifts in the past 100 years. In this webinar, Karl Smith (Purdue University) and Rocío Chavela Guerra (American Society for Engineering Education) will summarize major shifts in engineering education, such as the shift to outcomes-based accreditation and an emergent shift to address justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. They will share insights, lessons learned, and will discuss implications for the current shift to remote learning. The webinar will close with recommendations for course redesign to enhance learning in the time of coronavirus.
To register, see https://resources.asee.org/course_catalog/learning_in_the_time_of_coronavirus/
- EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: NETI-3D workshop registration opened
NETI-3D will be held May 26-27, 2021, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 pm, EST, each day using Zoom. This online workshop for instructors teaching engineering or engineering technology focuses on effective teaching in a virtual environment. Topics explored in the workshop include student motivation, active engagement, assessment and adopting an inclusive mindset in online environments. The National Effective Teaching Institute has been given since 1991, reaching nearly 2500 participants from over 350 different schools. The registration fee is $400 per participant, and includes an electronic version of presentation materials with literature reviews of effective online teaching practices. It will be directed by Drs. Susan Lord, Matt Ohland, and Michael Prince. NETI-3 will be highly interactive and will provide opportunities for the participants to plan applications of the workshop content to their own courses. We invite you to register for the workshop using the link below and to pass this notice along to faculty who would benefit from this program. We will accept up to 60 paid applications on a first-come, first-served basis. Questions should be directed to Michael Prince atprince@bucknell.edu. Register at https://www.neti-workshop.org/events/.
- CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Graduate Student Research on Teaching Development Programs
I am a doctoral candidate with the Department of Engineering Education at the University of Cincinnati, conducting research on teaching development programs for future faculty. The first step in the research involves understanding how our teachers are trained to handle their teaching responsibilities. You are being requested to fill a survey describing any teaching training program you may have implemented in your institution for your students, including but not limited to the teaching assistants. This survey is part of a research study at the University of Cincinnati’s Department of Engineering Education. It has 16 questions and will take approximately 10 minutes for you to complete. Using your responses, we will attempt to inform the greater engineering education community about practices that have been helpful in better preparing our future faculty. Your institution’s name will be kept confidential and none of your responses will be linked back to you.
To thank you for your time, we can share our findings from this survey in their aggregate form if you desire. Please email Jutshi Agarwal atagarwaji@mail.uc.edu if you would like us to share our findings with you. We appreciate you taking the time to contribute to this research.
Follow this link to the Survey: Opportunities for Teaching Preparation Survey – https://ucengeducation.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9QCCnExK2ievXZb
If you are not a part of any teaching training program but are aware of your colleague(s) being at the center of such activities, please help us by reaching out to them and asking them to fill this survey. Also feel free to reach out to Jutshi Agarwal at agarwaji@mail.uc.edu for any questions or concerns.
Position Announcements
- POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral Fellow for NSF RIEF Grant at Georgia Tech Department of Biomedical Engineering
The School of Biomedical Engineering/Studio for Transforming Engineering Learning and Research (STELAR) at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow. This team member will help carry out the work of our new National Science Foundation Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (NSF RIEF) grant titled “Research Initiation: Exploring the Role of Story-Driven Learning to Foster Empathy in the Professional Formation of Engineers” (Award #2025080). This funding is for engaging in department wide research to explore the use of diverse learning activities within the BME department that potentially foster empathy in our undergraduate students.
Knowledge and Skill Qualifications: The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will have a PhD* in educational psychology, social psychology, higher education, engineering education, or a related field. This is important since a perspective and research experience from outside of engineering is needed to conduct this type of educational research within an engineering department. The engineering faculty PI will depend on this role to provide a social/learning sciences perspective to guide the research. This postdoctoral research fellow will assist the PI in all aspects of the design and implementation of the research as well as in the data collection and analysis activities over the course of this work. The ideal candidate should have demonstrated ability to perform both quantitative and qualitative analysis, although our primary need is qualitative.
Applicants must apply via the Georgia Institute of Technology online portal (Job ID 224209). Directions for application access are shown below. Each applicant will submit a completed one-page cover letter, a statement of interest of no more than three double-spaced pages describing in further detail your interest and background as it relates to this position, a short writing sample pertinent to the application, an up-to-date curriculum vitae, and a list of three references. No reference letters are needed at this time, but please inform your references that they will be contacted if you are a finalist.
Please contact Dr. Cristi Bell-Huff (cristi.bell-huff@bme.gatech.edu) with any questions. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.
1. Select the link below to access the GT Careers site.
2. Sign-in to access your account or select the New User link to create one if you aren’t an existing user.
3. Review the job posting and select the apply button to begin your application.
You can view and apply for this job at: https://careers.hprod.onehcm.usg.edu/psp/careers/CAREERS/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=3000&JobOpeningId=224209&PostingSeq=1
- POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral Research on Georgia Tech Biomedical Engineering Department NSF RED Grant
The Biomedical Engineering Department at Georgia Institute of Technology is recruiting for an engineering education focused Postdoctoral Fellow position in support of our Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) Grant. The formal job posting and application portal can be found on our jobs site (https://careers.hprod.onehcm.usg.edu/psp/careers/CAREERS/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=3000&JobOpeningId=223036&PostingSeq=1, Job ID: 223036. Title: Postdoctoral Fellow). Please feel free to forward or distribute this position to anyone you know who may be interested.
Our department’s RED grant is focused on inclusion and diversity as a path to improving undergraduate engineering education. The focus on inclusion is in two parts; (1) Developing students who are more inclusive when they work on engineering teams and (2) Approaching engineering problems in a way that takes an inclusive approach to users and the populations affected by engineering work. A perspective on our approach to inclusivity in engineering education can be found in a recent JEE editorial. This position will be centered on working on the second focus described above, a integrating a more inclusive approach to engineering design and technical skills into our undergraduate curriculum. The Postdoctoral Fellow will contribute to a curricular change and research program that seeks to answer the following research questions: 1) how can inclusion promoting interventions be sustainably integrated into the curriculum, 2) how do the curriculum modifications impact students’ interpersonal skills and understanding of inclusive engineering design practices, and 3) what system and structural changes are effective in supporting organizational change? We are seeking a candidate who has a strong record of designing and executing qualitative research studies. Qualitative interviewing, participant observation, state-of-the-art analytic techniques and code book development are the essential tools we seek. The Fellow will also have the opportunity to recruit and mentor a team of undergraduate research assistants.
Required Qualifications: PhD in psychology, organizational behavior, organizational justice, organizational change, sociology, engineering education, learning science, ethnography, or a related field.
Preferred Qualifications: The ideal candidate should have demonstrated ability to perform both quantitative and qualitative analysis, although our primary need is qualitative.
We expect to start reviewing applications immediately and fill the position as soon as possible. Work will likely begin remotely but is expected to transition to Georgia Institute of Technology’s campus in Atlanta GA.
Application procedures: Applicants must apply via the Georgia Institute of Technology online portal to this job (link, Job ID: 223036. Title: Postdoctoral Fellow). Applicant will submit: a one-page cover letter containing, a statement of interest of no more than three double-spaced pages describing in further detail your interest and background as it relates to this position, a short writing sample pertinent to the application, An up-to-date curriculum vitae, and a list of three references; no reference letters are needed at this time, but please inform your references that they will be contacted if you are a finalist. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me or to Dr. Sara Schley (sara.schley@bme.gatech.edu).
- POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open Clinical Faculty of Practice Position, Department of Engineering Education, The Ohio State University
The Department of Engineering Education (EED) in the College of Engineering (CoE) at The Ohio State University invites applications for a faculty position at the rank of Associate Professor of Practice or Professor of Practice to start July 1, 2021 (date is flexible). We seek applicants with an industrial background to teach in and manage an existing honors program involving both engineering and business students in the area of product commercialization. The faculty member hired for this position is expected to advance students’ interpersonal interactions (especially in team environments), critical thinking, and ability to create value based upon user needs in addition to traditional knowledge and skills in business and engineering. The faculty member hired is expected to teach engineering honors courses in the Integrated Business and Engineering (IBE) program and others, as may be required to facilitate entrepreneurial-minded initiatives within EED and the college, and lead development of the IBE program in the role of Director.
Integrated Business and Engineering Honors Program: The Integrated Business and Engineering Program (IBE) at The Ohio State University (https://engineering.osu.edu/academics/integrated-business-engineering-honors-program) is a four-year program that supplements standard curricula in the disciplines of business and engineering with a sequence of dedicated IBE courses and seminars focused on experiential, entrepreneurial and multidisciplinary learning with core courses leading to a minor in the opposite discipline. The program was formed in spring 2014 and enrolls 30 new students a year for a total of 120 undergraduates across all four cohorts.
How to Apply: Interested applicants should apply via this link: https://osu.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/OSUCareers/job/Columbus-Campus/Open-Clinical-Faculty-of-Practice-Position-Department-of-Engineering-Education_R5780-1. Please include a cover letter, curriculum vita (or resume), statement on product development, statement on teaching, and names and contact information of five references.
- POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Engineering Communication at the University of Manitoba, in Winnipeg, Canada
The Centre for Engineering Professional Practice and Engineering Education at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada, invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor rank in Engineering Communication (position 29026), with a start date of July 1, 2021. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in a discipline relevant to Engineering Communication and/or the broader field of Engineering Education. Experience in Communication fields and/or teaching Engineering Communication curricula to EAL speakers is a strong asset.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach in the technical and professional Engineering Communication curriculum at the undergraduate level, develop and teach courses in Engineering Communication or Engineering Education at the graduate level, initiate and sustain an independent, funded research program involving graduate student supervision with engagement in national or international networks, and provide service to the Price Faculty of Engineering, and larger campus and professional communities.
The Committee will begin to review applications on April 15, 2021. The position posting can be found here:
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