Call for ASEE ERM Nominations, April 5, 2024

Dear ERM Membership,

The Education Research and Methods Division Bylaws state that in even-numbered years, the membership shall elect a Secretary/Treasurer to serve a two-year term. In addition to the office of the Secretary-Treasurer, two Director roles are also open this year. As such, the nominating committee is opening nominations April 5 – 19, 2024. Below are descriptions of the positions open for nominations. All that is required are the name, affiliation, and email submitted to this nomination form (

My gratitude goes to Dr. Sarah Rodriguez (Virginia Tech), who is managing the nomination and election as the ERM Nominating Chair. Elections are scheduled to be held May 1 – 13, 2024. Both nominations and self-nominations are welcome!

The Secretary-Treasurer 

The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected in even-numbered years to serve a two-year term. The Secretary-Treasurer  shall be responsible for the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board, Executive Committee and the annual business meeting of the Division and shall maintain the financial accounts and records of the Division in coordination with the Society Headquarters staff. The Secretary-Treasurer  shall make a written financial report at each meeting of the Executive Board and at the annual business meeting of the Division. The Secretary-Treasurer  shall be responsible for preparing Division financial and activity reports as may be required by ASEE.


Directors shall be elected to serve a two-year term and shall not be eligible to serve a second successive term. Two directors shall be elected each year. Directors may be asked to serve in a capacity as determined by the Chair.