ERM Announcements, October 15, 2024 (and Deadline Extension to 10/22 for ERM Special Sessions, Panels, and Workshops)

Message from the Chair

Hi, All –
It is great to see so many of you at FIE! In the next newsletter, I plan to share a summary of activity from this year’s conference in Washington, DC.
Please check out the ample opportunities for service and employment in the newsletter below. I want to use my space here to announce that we are extending the deadline for you to submit your special session, panel, and workshop proposals to the ERM division. The new deadline is 11:59 pm PST on Tuesday, October 22. After reading the call for papers/proposals, use this form to submit your proposal.
Let me use this space to demystify this process a bit. I will do this in the form of what I imagine are frequently asked questions:
What are special sessions and panels? How are they different? 
Special sessions and panels are alike in that they are envisioned as 90-minute sessions as part of the conference program. Panels primarily involve speakers who will share their perspectives around a certain topic. Special sessions involve a coordinated set of interactive activities. Submitters should be aware that no publication is associated with these sessions.
ASEE emailed me that Workshop Proposals are due on November 14. Why are you making these due on October 22?
Any individual may propose a workshop directly to ASEE provided that they are willing to cover a $150 fee. These proposals submitted on November 14 will be evaluated by upper-level leadership. We are soliciting proposals for workshops that will be directly named as part of ERM’s program. This means that the ERM division will cover the $150 fee for the 1-2 workshops that are selected as aligning well with the goals of our division. Our program chairs and ERM directors need time to review the proposals, select those who will represent ERM, and communicate back to submitters—all before the ASEE deadline of November 14.
Why am I submitting these on a Google Form rather than through ASEE?
For now, we have no way of getting non-archived material through Nemo (ASEE’s submission portal). Therefore, we are using a Google Form so that ERM volunteers may evaluate your proposals to determine those those that align strongly with the ERM division.

James Huff, Ph.D.

ERM Announcements for 10/15/2024

General Announcements 

  1. NSF UPDATES: Updates from the NSF EEC Engineering Education Program Cluster
  2. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: NETI teaching workshops January in San Diego
  3. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Human Centered Engineering Dialogues – First one: Wednesday,  October 30
  4. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Study Invitation: Caste in the U.S. Engineering and Computing Education
  5. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Engineering Education Systems & Design Virtual Open House at Arizona State University
  6. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Engineering Education Ph.D. Virtual Open House – University of Georgia
  7. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Interest Form for Critical Scholar Summer School
  8. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Critical Consciousness Development Program

Position Announcements 

  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Openings at the Center for Computing Education, The Ohio State University
  2. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open-Rank Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Positions – Experiential Engineering Education, Rowan University
  3. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Instructor Position in Electrical & Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech
  4. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: The University of Texas at El Paso’s Center for Education Research and Policy Analysis is hiring an Assistant Research Professor
  5. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Instructional Assistant Professor in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida
  6. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenured or Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Engineering at Centre College
  7. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenured Professor in Engineering Education at the University of Colorado Boulder
  8. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor of Engineering Education, University of Georgia
  9. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure Track Faculty in Mechanical Engineering at Ohio Northern University
  10. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor – Robotics, Tufts University Mechanical Engineering
General Announcements
  1. NSF UPDATES: Updates from the NSF EEC Engineering Education Program Cluster
In its effort to serve the engineering education research community, the EEC (Engineering Education and Centers) division of the National Science Foundation, through its engineering education research cluster (RFE, RIEF, RED, and CAREER programs) offers a number of opportunities to learn about proposal submission, current funding opportunities, post-award management, and other matters of concern to the research community.  This message summarizes some of these opportunities:
Regular “office hours”: starting October 15, 2024, program officer Alice Pawley will host virtual office hours most Tuesdays from 3-4 pm ET.  Current and prospective PIs are welcome to join in to ask questions about upcoming solicitations, their funding ideas, award management, or other matters of concern.  Registration is required here. The registration link will be also available from the EEC website soon.
Funding opportunity webinars: We will offer webinars about upcoming funding opportunities in EEC this fall and spring.  We have scheduled the following webinars, most which require registration:
Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2) – new solicitation released, and due Jan 23, 2025.  Twice-monthly office hours are listed on the solicitation website.
Dear Colleague Letters (DCLs): The National Science Foundation has a number of Dear Colleague Letters of interest to this community.  DLCs are not new funding opportunities, usually, but instead indicate a particular interest in proposals to be submitted through existing funding opportunities.  You indicate your proposal’s relationship to a DCL in the title, as described in each letter. DCLs are considered current until they are taken away.  In particular, please note:
NSF 24-028: “NSF-Lemelson Initiative on Environmental and Social Sustainability in Engineering Education” soliciting proposals focusing on environmental and social sustainability to the RFE funding opportunity.
NSF 24-039: “Funding opportunities for Engineering Research in Artificial Intelligence” which can also be applied to EEC-engineering education-related funding opportunities (RFE, RIEF).
Proposal reviews: To volunteer to review on a panel, please be sure to register yourself at, and email us a copy of your most recent CV.
Alice Pawley,, EEC Engineering Education lead program director
Matthew Verleger,, EEC Engineering Education and Workforce Development program director
  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: NETI teaching workshops January in San Diego
NETI-1, Course Design and Student Engagement, will be offered January 6-8 2025, at the University of San Diego. Drs. Susan Lord, Matt Ohland, and Michael Prince will lead the long-standing foundational NETI-1 workshop, which has been offered since 1991. Previous NETI programs have reached over 3000 participants from more than 365 different schools. Our past participant evaluations have been overwhelmingly positive. The workshop features material for relatively new faculty members and other material designed to equip experienced faculty members to become teaching leaders and mentors on their campuses. Participants will include up to 60 faculty members from all branches of engineering, engineering technology, and other STEM areas. The registration fee is $1275 per participant, which covers organization and presentation costs, participant notebooks, lunches, and breaks. Participants also receive a copy of Felder & Brent’s Teaching and Learning STEM: A Practical Guide and the option of touring the Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering. There is a discount for bringing larger teams from the same institution. Travel expenses, including breakfasts and dinners, are not included. Further details about the workshop program and a link to register can be found at NETI-1, Course Design and Student Engagement 
NETI-2, Student Teams & Advanced Student Engagement will be offered January 3-4, 2025 at the University of San Diego. Drs. Susan Lord, Matt Ohland, and Michael Prince will lead this advanced companion workshop to NETI-1. NETI-2 is designed for engineering and other STEM instructors who are already familiar with the topics of NETI-1 and are looking for more advanced active learning strategies to engage students at a higher level. The first half of the workshop focuses on cooperative learning and teamwork including how to form, manage, and assess student teams. The second half of the workshop prepares faculty to adopt inquiry-based instruction and problem-based learning. Participants are introduced to a range of inquiry-based teaching methods and given the time and support needed to tailor this approach to their own classes. The registration fee is $1100 per participant, which covers organization and presentation costs, participant notebooks, lunches, and breaks. There is a discount for bringing larger teams from the same institution. Travel expenses, including breakfasts and dinners, are not included. Further details about the workshop program and a link to register can be found at NETI-2, Student Teams & Advanced Student Engagement.
  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Human Centered Engineering Dialogues – First one: Wednesday,  October 30
The Human Centered Engineering Consortium is a passionate and forward-thinking community of leaders and educators, dedicated to advancing the field of Human Centered Engineering. We’re inviting anyone interested in the area to join us for conversations about Human Centered Engineering, what it is and where it is going.
We are running a series of Human Centered Engineering Dialogues to talk about shared interests in the field. These are informal conversational sessions hosted remotely via Zoom. We would welcome you to join us! Our first session entitled “What is Human Centered Engineering” will be on Wednesday, October 30 at 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT.
Please RSVP to join the session here:  The Zoom meeting link with be emailed out before the event.
  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Study Invitation: Caste in the U.S. Engineering and Computing Education
My name is Nivedita Kumar, and I am currently looking for volunteers to assist in my dissertation research to study the different perspectives of Indian graduate students on caste identity in their engineering/computing degrees within the U.S. This research is conducted through a 60-90-minute interview via Zoom and this survey is only meant to determine our screening criteria and will take 3-5 minutes of your time. It will ask for your demographic and background information, including your caste and religious identities and contact details. If you choose to participate in the interview, I will contact you through the provided details. The interview will be recorded to best capture your responses. The interview would help me to learn about your experiences and perspectives on pursuing your engineering/computing degree in the U.S.
Also, I want to note that I will respect any proprietary information. Any information collected will only be used to recruit participants for the interview. Please see the attached informational letter for more details about the interview study. Please follow the survey link to participate in the study:
If you choose to participate in the interview portion of the study, you will receive an email with a copy of the informed consent so that you can read about the interview and how your confidentiality will be protected.
Please forward this information to anyone you know who is also an Indian graduate student pursuing engineering/computing degrees in the U.S.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to hear back from you soon!
Nivedita Kumar
  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Engineering Education Systems & Design Virtual Open House at Arizona State University
The Engineering Education Systems and Design (EESD) PhD program at Arizona State University is excited to invite you to our Virtual Open House for prospective PhD students.
Date: October 21, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM MST
Where: Online via Zoom
Join us for an exciting opportunity to:
| Discover the structure and unique opportunities of the EESD PhD program. | Learn about available funding options that can support your academic journey. | Connect with current students and hear firsthand about their experiences. | Explore diverse and cutting-edge research projects led by EESD faculty shaping the future of engineering education.
A schedule of the virtual open house activities can be found in the registration form. Prospective  students who register for the event will be given a Zoom link to the event days in advance.
Registration Link 
Learn more about the Engineering Education Systems and Design (EESD) PhD program 
Here’s a glimpse of research interest among EESD Faculty:
– Culturally relevant engineering education practices
– Diversifying engineering education through identity development
– Empirical research on how engineering students learn
– Engineering career pathways and workforce development
– Engineering education at Hispanic-Serving Institutions
– Enhancing curriculum and pedagogy for future engineers
– Experiences and motivations of engineering doctoral students
– Faculty and student mentorship in engineering
– Power, privilege, and systemic change in engineering education
– Pre-college engineering education, including rural settings
– Virtual reality as a tool for cultivating inclusive environments
– Qualitative and quantitative methods in engineering education research
  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Engineering Education Ph.D. Virtual Open House – University of Georgia
The Engineering Education Transformations Institute (EETI) at the University of Georgia (UGA) invites all prospective applicants to attend our virtual open house at 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm ET (UTC-4:00) on Tuesday, October 22. The University of Georgia’s engineering education Ph.D. program offers a robust interdisciplinary and collaborative environment to support transformative, innovative research in engineering education. EETI, which houses the Ph.D. program, comprises a broad network of educators across the entire College of Engineering at UGA who are committed to educational transformation in engineering. We offer full funding to all accepted applicants, a flexible Ph.D. program, and structured support for awards and external fellowships. At the virtual open house, attendees will learn more about our program and visit directly with faculty who are hiring Ph.D. student in Fall 2025 and beyond . Click here to register for the virtual open house.
  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Interest Form for Critical Scholar Summer School
Are you an early career researcher in engineering education or a similar field? Are you hoping to pursue a dissertation or research project that draws on critical theoretical perspectives and/or has a justice-oriented impact on the world? Are you looking for guidance or support in the important steps and skills for this?
Connected to his NSF CAREER funded grant project, Stephen Secules is hoping to organize a virtual or hybrid training for early career researchers, supporting action-oriented and/or critical research projects. If you are potentially interested in participating, please fill out thisform ( to express interest. We will try to build the training around the interests and preferences of those who respond. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Stephen directly at
  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Critical Consciousness Development Program
We are seeking interested participants who would like to further develop their critical consciousness in a paid development program that is funded by a NSF Racial Equity project. The program will be held virtually from Jan-Aug 2025, with monthly Zoom meetings. Graduate students, staff, and faculty of any rank are eligible to participate. To learn more, please review the attached flyer (also linked here) and share your interest at the following form: 
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jamaal Downey (
Position Announcements
  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Openings at the Center for Computing Education, The Ohio State University
The Ohio State University College of Engineering has established the new Center for Computing Education (CCE) in collaboration with the Department of Engineering Education and Computer Science and Engineering Department. We are looking to hire two Lecturers and Professional Practice Faculty (see links below).
Consider joining me and the CCE team. We are looking to hire educators that value evidence-based teaching practices, inclusive pedagogical approaches, center students, and want to truly make computing accessible to all students.
Lecturer, Internal (OSU employee, non-student):$392530/9925$258333.htmld
Lecturer, Internal (OSU employee enrolled in classes at OSU):$392530/9925$258335.htmld
Professional Practice Faculty, Internal (OSU employee, non-student):$392530/9925$264086.htmld
Professional Practice Faculty, Internal (OSU employee enrolled in classes at OSU):$392530/9925$264088.htmld
[Note: We are also looking to hire postdoctoral scholars – links coming soon…].
Please share broadly and liberally.
  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open-Rank Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Positions – Experiential Engineering Education, Rowan University
The Department of Experiential Engineering Education (ExEEd) of the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering at Rowan University invites applications for tenure-track or tenured faculty position(s) at the assistant, associate, or full professor level. Senior level candidates with exceptional achievements and demonstrated impact will have the opportunity to be considered for the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering Foundation Professorship. ExEEd is home to the First-year and Sophomore Engineering Clinic sequence, a hallmark of Rowan’s innovative undergraduate engineering program featuring multidisciplinary, hands-on, project-oriented experiences. Our department also manages the B.S. Engineering Entrepreneurship program and a PhD in Engineering Education.
  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Instructor Position in Electrical & Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech
The Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is looking for a person to teach the practical aspects of undergraduate electrical and computer engineering, primarily at the sophomore level, and to develop laboratory experiments and projects that motivate students to learn these practical aspects. The successful candidate must have effective communication skills, significant experience designing, building, and testing analog or digital circuits, enjoy interacting with students, and have good organizational and management skills. Responsibilities will include developing new experiments and projects to incorporate into courses, teaching undergraduate courses, training and supervising Teaching Assistants and Undergraduate Mentors, acting as a subject matter expert for student projects, and purchasing lab equipment and supplies. The position will involve other duties, as assigned, but will not involve a research component with the possible exception of educational research related to laboratories.
Required Qualifications:
M.S. degree in Electrical or Computer Engineering
At least two years of experience, beyond an undergraduate degree, designing, building, and testing either analog or digital circuits
Experience integrating analog and digital (FPGA, microcontroller) circuits
Evidence of a strong desire to teach students the practical aspects of electrical and computer engineering, which must be addressed in the cover letter.
Evidence of effective oral and written communication skills
Able to move and set up lab equipment and furniture if required
Preferred Qualifications:
Experience managing others or leading a team
Teaching experience as a lead instructor
Experience in an area outside basic electrical or computer engineering, for example, RF/microwaves, power/machines, audio electronics, embedded systems, internet of things, etc.
An MS or PhD in Engineering Education
Applicants can find more information and apply here ( Questions about the position should be addressed to Bill Baumann at Review of applications will begin on Nov. 9th, 2024.
  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: The University of Texas at El Paso’s Center for Education Research and Policy Analysis is hiring an Assistant Research Professor
The University of Texas at El Paso College of Education announces the hiring of a Research Assistant Professor (non-tenure track) on a contract for up to 3 years for the new research cluster “RAISE – Research Academic-Work Integration in STEM Education.” The interdisciplinary cluster team comprises researchers in STEM education, educational leadership, socio-cultural foundations of education, engineering, and campus career services leadership. The vision of the RAISE research cluster is to be an international and national leader in academic-work integration research. We aim to: a) conduct field defining research to gain comprehensive knowledge of the challenges, opportunities, and implications of combining education with employment for our students at UTEP and other Hispanic Serving Institutes (HSIs) as a model for other universities, (b) investigate students’ experiences in workplace learning, and (c) integrate labor data into workforce development planning. Research will be used for policy recommendations and the design of interventions for students. This position is made available through UTEP Regents’ Research Excellence Program (RREP). The RREP program aims to enhance the research competitiveness of the UT System and UT institutions.
Successful candidates must possess a Ph.D. in Higher Education Studies, Workforce Development, Educational Economics, Education Policy, STEM Education, Curriculum Theory, Social or Organizational Psychology, Sociology, Learning Sciences, Data Science, Psychometrics, or related fields by the effective appointment date. ABD applicants will be considered if doctoral degree will be in hand by the effective appointment date. Appointees must demonstrate evidence of research productivity in topics related to the center’s vision. This evidence can include publications, being member of a research team, success fostering constructive collaborations, and well-developed experiences using qualitative and/or quantitative methodological approaches. Preference will be given to candidates who have demonstrated competence in advanced quantitative methods.
The full job announcement, which includes information about the University of Texas at El Paso, additional information, and instructions on how to apply, may be found here:
For questions about the application process, please contact Assoc. Professor Maartje Van den Bogaard at
  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Instructional Assistant Professor in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida
The University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) invites applications for a 9-month, non-tenure-accruing Instructional Assistant Professor (Lecturer) position in the Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department. This 100% teaching position offers an exciting opportunity to contribute to our Agricultural Operations Management (College of Agricultural and Life Sciences) and Biological Engineering (Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering) programs. The successful candidate will be responsible for teaching undergraduate courses, emphasizing hands-on, experiential learning.
This position involves providing experiential learning support at the W.W. Glenn Teaching Building, a state-of-the-art facility designed to foster project-based learning. This space is integral to the Biological Engineering capstone design course series and applied AOM courses, which are central to our students’ academic experiences and a key factor in student recruitment and retention. Responsibilities include developing and teaching courses on engineering topics such as energy, mechanics, hydraulics, electronics, coding, artificial intelligence, design, and technology applications. The candidate will ensure that these courses meet program goals and student needs, using innovative teaching strategies to engage students. Additionally, the candidate will supervise student clubs and competitions, support recruitment and retention activities, contribute to accreditation processes, and assist in expanding online and hybrid course offerings. The successful candidate will also engage in scholarly activities related to instruction, including advising and mentoring students, participating in curriculum revision and enhancement, securing funding for the teaching program, supervising undergraduate research, and publishing teaching-related scholarship. Participation in college committees, shared governance, and supporting the CALS Honors Program, distance education, and international education initiatives is also expected.
Minimum qualifications include a doctorate (or foreign equivalent) in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or a closely related engineering discipline, along with experience in undergraduate instruction. Candidates must demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills, interpersonal communication, teamwork, and leadership. A commitment to UF’s Land-Grant mission and core values is essential. Preferred qualifications include a strong record of scholarship in teaching and learning, curriculum development experience (including online, hybrid, and lab-based courses), involvement in professional societies, mentorship experience, and collaboration with interdisciplinary teams to enhance educational outcomes.
Applicants who contribute to the academic and professional community through their scholarship, teaching, mentoring, and service are especially encouraged to apply.
For more information, please contact search committee Chair Dr. Adam Watson at
  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenured or Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Engineering at Centre College
Centre College invites applications for a tenured or tenure-track faculty position in engineering to begin August 2025. Candidates must have a strong commitment to teaching in a student-centered environment and mentoring undergraduate research in engineering and/or related fields. The successful candidate must have a PhD or equivalent terminal degree in engineering, with preference given to the mechanical, aerospace, or materials disciplines.
This faculty position offers a unique opportunity to support the development of a new engineering program with the goal of achieving ABET accreditation within five years. The successful candidate will teach new engineering courses within their specialty and in the areas of fluids, dynamics, and design.  Our new colleague will join a collegial and supportive program committed to inclusive teaching practices and to student support beyond the classroom, including individual advising and mentored student research, which is expected and supported. Competitive startup funds are included.
Applicants may apply at Questions may be addressed to the search committee chair, Dr. Christine Goble at Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2024. For more information about Centre College, visit
  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenured Professor in Engineering Education at the University of Colorado Boulder
The Engineering Education (ENED) Program within the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) at the University of Colorado Boulder is searching to hire an Associate or Full Professor. The faculty member will mentor doctoral ENED students, and their research should focus on Engineering Education or Computer Science Education. The professor will be rostered in one of the six departments in CEAS, where their tenure will be housed. The faculty member is expected to contribute to both the teaching and service missions of the Engineering Education Program and their tenure home. The University of Colorado Boulder is committed to building a culturally diverse community of faculty, staff, and students dedicated to contributing to an inclusive campus environment. We are an Equal Opportunity employer, including veterans and individuals with disabilities.
Engineering Education (ENED) is an interdisciplinary program in CEAS that offers a PhD degree. The program affiliates faculty members from across the university to create a vibrant community of scholars and educators devoted to the quality of student learning and experiences in engineering and computer science. For more information on Engineering Education and our PhD please visit our website.
The full job ad with details of the responsibilities and application requirements are provided on the CU Boulder Jobs website.  Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, however for full consideration please apply by November 15, 2024. Applications must be submitted through CU Boulder Jobs website above (search by job title or requisition #59624). Questions can be directed to the search committee chair, Angela Bielefeldt at
  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor of Engineering Education, University of Georgia
The Engineering Education Transformations Institute (EETI) at UGA is hiring a tenure-track assistant professor of engineering education. EETI is a cross-cutting research institute that supports research and development in engineering education and builds capacity among faculty to develop, use, and examine effective and innovative pedagogical techniques. EETI is uniquely positioned within the College of Engineering and thus offers exceptional opportunities for innovative, empirically grounded educational research that is rooted in educational practice and has a direct impact on students, faculty, and curricula. EETI is committed to the integration of engineering education research and practice by coupling its growing engineering education Ph.D. program with comprehensive faculty and graduate student development programs that foster engineering education excellence and educational research across the college. EETI’s model and efforts build on transforming engineering education through building communities and shared capacity around the scholarship of teaching and learning in engineering. Thus, the strength of EETI’s efforts, and of the EETI community, is grounded in a shared commitment to the mission and values of the University, embracing collaboration as our mode of operating, and valuing individual strengths and interests. EETI plays a vital role in the enhancement of our educational programs, professional development of our students, staff, and faculty, and achievement of our goals to create more collaborative programs across our college.
The full job posting may be accessed here:
Applications received by November 1 will receive full consideration. For more information, please contact search chair James Huff
  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Tenure Track Faculty in Mechanical Engineering at Ohio Northern University
We are seeking a talented individual who is passionate about teaching and is invested in the success of our students. If you would like to be a part of a professional, collaborative team devoted to making a significant and lasting impact on the lives of young engineers, the Dr. Carl D. and H. Jane Clay Department of Mechanical Engineering at Ohio Northern University invites you to apply for a tenure track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin August 19, 2025.
Review of applications will begin Oct 30 and will continue until the position is filled. Questions concerning the position should be referred to Dr. J. Blake Hylton, Associate Professor and Chair, Mechanical Engineering Department, Further information about the University is available at
This position will support our broad undergraduate mechanical engineering program, which, in addition to a general Mechanical Engineering track, includes concentration options in Aerospace, Biomedical, Manufacturing, and Robotics. Candidates from any specialty area within or adjacent to mechanical engineering or our concentration fields will be considered.
The full job posting  can be accessed directly at:
  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor – Robotics, Tufts University Mechanical Engineering
Tufts University Department of Mechanical Engineering is searching for a faculty member at the Assistant Professor level in robotics. Research thrusts may span the broad field of robotics, but preferably with an emphasis on the interface between artificial intelligence and mechanical systems, for applications including human-robot interaction, vehicle automation, mechanism design, biomimetics, soft robotics, or micro-robotics. The candidate should be capable of teaching undergraduate and graduate courses related to current curricula and new research directions.
The successful candidate will join an active department that offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. programs. Teaching responsibilities will include graduate and undergraduate courses. Experience in robotics and a doctorate in engineering or a related field are required.
Applicants may find out more and apply directly here ( Questions about the position should be addressed to Professor Jason Rife, search committee chair, at Review of applications will begin on Nov. 1, 2024.