ERM Announcements, September 3, 2024

Hello, ERM Community –
I am excited to share exciting opportunities for our community below. Before, I get to the newsletter, I wanted to begin by flagging your attention to the updated call for papers (CFP) for the ERM Program in the 2025 ASEE Conference (linked here). I am highly grateful to the contributions of Dr. Catherine Berdanier and this years program co-chairs, Drs. Jessica Deter and Cassandra McCall, for their thoughtful initiative with the changes to the Call for Papers. I am also grateful to the ERM executive board for their feedback and approval of this proposal.
I refer to Dr. Deters’s email that she sent last week about the call for papers, but I quote the changes to this year’s document:
  • General streamlining to reduce redundancy.
  • Introduction of a new paper type, research briefs, which is intended to share summaries of fully completed works.
  • Reduction of maximum page lengths to 1) respond to the faster timeline by ASEE to produce the conference paper, 2) support authors in using papers as a generative step toward journal publication, and 3) reduce the overall labor invested by reviewers and program chairs in reviewing papers.
  • Enforcement of maximum page lengths at the Draft stage as well as the Final Paper stage . Papers exceeding the page limit will be rejected. Appendices and References do not count towards page limits.
  • Reduction of content required for ERM special sessions and workshops. In the past, we required significantly more than what ASEE required (5 pages for special sessions and 7 pages for workshops). We have reduced the proposal length (2 pages for special sessions and 3 pages for workshops) to offer a more accessible pathway to proposing these sessions.
  • Addition of paper templates for each paper length (full paper, research brief, and work in progress). Paper templates are linked in the CFP.
These changes have the potential to simultaneously increase the quality of the ERM conference program while reducing the labor placed on authors, reviewers, and program chairs. The deadline for abstracts is coming soonOctober 1. Please consider presenting your work in the ERM Division!


ERM Announcements for 09/03/2024
General Announcements 
  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: North American Multi-Institutional Graduate Engineering Education Program Showcase
  2. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Study on how facilitating undergraduate research impacts tenured/tenure-track faculty
Position Announcements 
  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open Associate Professor/Full Professor, Tenured Faculty Positions in the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University
  2. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Teaching / Professional Track Faculty Positions, NC State Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
General Announcements
  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: North American Multi-Institutional Graduate Engineering Education Program Showcase
Engineering Education Graduate Research Programs across the U.S. and Canada will host a Virtual Multi-Institutional Showcase on Friday September 27th, 2024 from 2:30 – 4:30 pm EST (see the registration form,, for more details). The program includes: (1) an overview of Engineering Education Research as a field, (2) a panel on what makes a good graduate application, (3) a panel on identifying advisors, and (4) breakout rooms and Q&As. For questions, please contact Samantha Brunhaver ( and Cheryl Bodnar (
  1. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Clive L. Dym Mudd Design Workshop XIV: Engineering Design Education and Artificial Intelligence: Bridging Creativity and Technology for Future Innovators
  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Study on how facilitating undergraduate research impacts tenured/tenure-track faculty
Drs. Courtney Faber (University at Buffalo) and Marian Kennedy (Clemson University) are conducting a study to investigate the impact of facilitating undergraduate research experiences on faculty. You are invited to participate in a 15-minute online survey if you are a tenured/tenure-track faculty member and have facilitated at least one undergraduate research experience in the last three years. This research experience can include any experience from having one undergraduate student conduct research in your group to facilitating an undergraduate research program. The results of this study will be used to begin understanding what activities are considered high impact practices and to inform future research programs.
We would greatly appreciate your participation, and you can access the survey following this link:
The survey will be open from August 12th, 2024 to September 18th, 2024.
Courtney Faber, Ph.D.
Department of Engineering Education
University at Buffalo
Marian Kennedy, Ph.D.
Department of Material Science and Engineering
Clemson University
Position Announcements
  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open Associate Professor/Full Professor, Tenured Faculty Positions in the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University
The Department of Engineering Education ( at The Ohio State University ( invites applications for a tenured faculty position at the rank of senior Associate/Full professor with a target hire of Fall 2025. We seek innovative scholars in engineering education who will help further the growth of our department. The Associate or Full Professor will be required to individually establish a research program, secure outside funding, advise graduate students within our engineering education Ph.D. program, and teach courses across the department, including undergraduate courses. This individual will engage with the department across its focus areas (Multidisciplinary Capstone; Integrated Business & Engineering; Graduate Studies & Research; Engineering Technical Communications; Fundamentals of Engineering).
For questions regarding this position, please contact Search Committee Chair, Dr. Krista Kecskemety .  For full consideration, please apply by October 1, 2024. Applicants may view the entire job posting including required and desired qualifications and apply here.
  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Teaching / Professional Track Faculty Positions, NC State Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at NC State University seeks highly qualified candidates to fill multiple professional track (non-tenure track) teaching faculty positions. Successful candidates are expected to teach undergraduate- and/or graduate-level chemical engineering courses, perform internal and external professional service at a level commensurate with rank, and establish a national or international reputation in engineering education, outreach, and/or extension. Review of application materials will begin on October 18, 2024. For more information or to apply, please see
For questions about the position, please contact Lilian Hsiao (
To send an announcement to the ERM listserv, please prepare a 1-3 paragraph description including any relevant URLs as well as a subject line. Be sure that the announcement includes the person to contact with questions. Submit all of this information to James Huff via Announcements will be sent out on the 1st and 15th of each month or the first weekday following. Submissions 48 hours before these dates will be guaranteed to be included in announcements. Each set of announcements will be included in the announcements email twice. Announcements will also be recorded on the ERM website:
For more resources and position announcements, please refer to the Engineering Education Community Resource Wiki available at  A direct link to job postings at