1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open-rank, tenure-track faculty position, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Bucknell University
2. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Social Scientist Postdoctoral Fellow on a RED Grant, Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech
3. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Learning Scientist Postdoctoral Fellow on a RED Grant, Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech
4. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: 20 Lecturers, College of Engineering, University of Florida
5. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Engineering Education Research Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University
6. PROSPECTIVE STUDENT OPEN HOUSE: University of Michigan, Engineering Education Research Graduate Program
7. PROSPECTIVE STUDENT OPEN HOUSE: Virginia Tech, Department of Engineering Education Doctoral Program
9. CALL FOR PAPERS: ISEC ’18 Call for Papers, Posters, and Workshops
10. CALL FOR CHAPTERS: The Literacies of Design: Studies of Equity and Imagination with Engineering and Making
12. SEEKING NOMINATIONS: For impact workshop participants
1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open-rank, tenure-track faculty position, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Bucknell University
The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Bucknell University invites candidates to apply for an open-rank, tenure-track faculty position situated towards the computer engineering end of the electrical-computer engineering spectrum. We are looking for an engaged and passionate colleague who is willing to collaborate in guiding our program in new directions, create exciting new learning opportunities for undergraduate students, and who seeks impact through their scholarship. Bucknell University, an Equal Opportunity Employer, believes that students learn best in a diverse, inclusive community and is therefore committed to academic excellence through diversity in its faculty, staff, and students. We seek candidates who are committed to Bucknell’s efforts to create a climate that fosters the growth and development of a diverse student body, and we encourage applications from members of groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education, particularly engineering. Review of applications will begin on October 15th and continue until the position is filled. For more information see http://jobs.bucknell.edu/cw/en-us/job/493771
2. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Social Scientist Postdoctoral Fellow on a RED Grant, Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech
The Georgia Tech Biomedical Engineering Department’s RED Project is seeking to fill one full-time Postdoctoral Fellow position with a focus on the design and implementation of inclusive instructional practices across an engineering curriculum. The Postdoctoral Fellow will contribute to the development of a research program to improve our understanding of factors that promote or impede large-scale organizational change for inclusion.
For more information, please go to this website: https://www.bme.gatech.edu/bme/postdoctoral-fellowship-0
Please email your application to joe.ledoux@bme.gatech.edu.
3. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Learning Scientist Postdoctoral Fellow on a RED Grant, Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech
The Georgia Tech Biomedical Engineering Department’s RED Project is seeking to fill one full-time Postdoctoral Fellow position with a focus on the design and implementation of inclusive instructional practices across an engineering curriculum. The Postdoctoral Fellow will contribute to the development of a research program to improve our understanding of how inclusive educational activities impact student learning, faculty development, and participants’ perspectives on the role of diversity and inclusion in engineering practice, as well as examine how instructional design teams generate novel learning interventions that are sustainably integrated into a curriculum.
For more information, please go to this website: https://www.bme.gatech.edu/bme/postdoctoral-fellowship
Please email your application to joe.ledoux@bme.gatech.edu.
4. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: 20 Lecturers, College of Engineering, University of Florida
The Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering at the University of Florida is searching for 20 lecturers in all engineering disciplines. The hiring is part of a university-wide plan to hire 500 new faculty members. Hiring is coordinated by the UF Institute for Excellence in Engineering Education and applicants with an interest in Engineering Education Research are specifically invited. Additional information and application form can be found here: http://explore.jobs.ufl.edu/cw/en-us/job/502874/lecturersr-lecturermaster-lecturer
Contact: Dr. Hans van Oostrom (oostrom@ufl.edu), Director Institute for Excellence in Engineering Education.
5. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Engineering Education Research Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is hiring a full-time, NSF-funded, annual-contract Engineering Education Research Associate, to be converted to Postdoctoral Research Scientist upon completion of PhD, to conduct Engineering Education research focused on the design, implementation, transfer and assessment of curriculum and training to produce inclusive climates in colleges of engineering. The position is based at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO and will involve collaboration with researchers at West Virginia University, the University of Denver, and a fourth institution to be determined. For more information on the project, http://source.colostate.edu/new-project-streamline-diversity-inclusion-engineering-curricula/
The successful candidate will have three primary tasks. They will serve as the project coordinator managing collaboration and data collection among the four partner institutions, they will work closely with Dr. Rebecca Atadero at Colorado State University and other project personnel to develop new activities for sophomore and junior level engineering courses, and they will analyze qualitative and quantitative research data and disseminate project findings. For more information, please visit and apply at https://jobs.colostate.edu/postings/49056.
6. PROSPECTIVE STUDENT OPEN HOUSE: University of Michigan, Engineering Education Research Graduate Program
The University of Michigan’s College of Engineering is seeking applicants for the inaugural class of our PhD and MS program in Engineering Education Research – please encourage students to apply for our program. Michigan’s Engineering Education Research (EER) program represents a unique, interdisciplinary model. EER faculty are embedded within the traditional engineering departments, while graduate students will be part of a college-wide program engaging in innovative research and making scholarly contributions to the engineering education community. This allows the EER faculty and their research to be well-integrated with the traditional engineering disciplines and provides students a better opportunity for research. An EER graduate degree will provide students with career opportunities in academia, nonprofit organizations, and industry. More information about the program is available at our EER website (https://eer.engin.umich.edu/).
We will be hosting an EER Prospective Student Open House on Monday October 9, 2017, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Students from all institutions are invited to attend. Participants will meet with faculty, postdocs, and graduate students, tour the beautiful University of Michigan campus and EER lab spaces, and learn about career opportunities as a UM graduate in this field. Note that applicants to the EER graduate program must have Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in a traditional engineering discipline.
Prospective students should register to attend the open house at this site (http://tinyurl.com/ydcgdtn5). A limited number of travel grants are available. Email us for more information at eerprogram@umich.edu
7. PROSPECTIVE STUDENT OPEN HOUSE: Virginia Tech, Department of Engineering Education Doctoral Program
The Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education will be hosting an open house for the doctoral program on October 5th and 6th. The PhD in Engineering Education at Virginia Tech is ideal for students who want to become leaders in innovation and catalysts for change in society. This includes students interested in engineering faculty positions in universities of all types; students who wish to pursue careers in engineering policy; and engineering students with a strong interest in educational research, corporate training management, university assessment or administrative faculty.
If you are a current undergraduate or master’s student who like to learn more about what a PhD in Engineering Education can do for you, please join us! For more information and to register:
This fall, ASEE is launching a live, four-part online program to help engineering faculty streamline their course design process and design more effective courses. The program will be led by course design experts Dr. Karl Smith and Dr. Ruth Streveler and will take place in four (4) two-and-a-half-hour sessions over the course of eight weeks. Each session will have extensive facilitator-participant and participant-participant interaction with ample time for questions and discussions. Learn more about this program here – and sign up for a free info session on September 15. Questions? Email education@asee.org.
Program Website: https://www.asee.org/conferences-and-events/streamlined-course-design
Informational Webinar Registration: https://www.asee.org/public/conferences/107/registration
9. CALL FOR PAPERS: ISEC ’18 Call for Papers, Posters, and Workshops
We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers, Posters, and Workshops for the 2018 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC). ISEC ’18 will be held Saturday, March 10, 2018 in Princeton, New Jersey. Please see the full CFP, along with templates, deadlines, and fee information, at https://ewh.ieee.org/conf/stem/.
Please feel free to contact us ieee.isec@gmail.com. We look forward to your participation in ISEC 2018!
10. CALL FOR CHAPTERS: The Literacies of Design: Studies of Equity and Imagination with Engineering and Making
We are calling for chapters that use original empirical (qualitative or quantitative) studies to offer insights, challenges, or extensions to current conceptions of literacies of design or design communication. We welcome studies conducted with different participants in different spaces: pre-K children in home settings, engineers in the workforce, children and adults in makerspaces and museums, undergraduate engineering students engaged in service learning, or K-12 students in NGSS-aligned science classrooms, to name a few. We also welcome empirically-grounded theoretical papers.
If you are interested in contributing a chapter, we request that a summary of around 750-1000 words be sent to Amy Wilson-Lopez, at amy.wilson-lopez@usu.edu, by October 31, 2017. Please also feel free to contact Amy if you have further questions about the nature or scope of the book.
The 125th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition – “125 Years at the Heart of Engineering Education” will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 24-27, 2018. Abstract Submissions Open September 5th. The deadline to submit your abstract is October 17, 2017. The Call for Papers for the various divisions are available on our website at
Sunday Workshop and Distinguished Lecture Applications are also available between September 5th and October 30, 2017. Applications can be accessed by clicking this link https://www.asee.org/public/person_sessions/new and logging in.
The 2018 Annual Conference Author’s Kit contains extremely important information regarding the submission process as well as all relevant deadlines and is available on our website at https://www.asee.org/conferences-and-events/conferences/annual-conference/2018/papers-management/for-authors
12. SEEKING NOMINATIONS: For impact workshop participants
The search for ways to characterize, document, trace, measure, and increase the impact of engineering education research and innovations (EER&I) has become increasingly more important. There are at least four factors driving this collection of activity within our community: 1) the desire to realize transformative change in STEM education; 2) ongoing efforts to bridge the disconnect between research and practice in engineering education; 3) the need to adequately respond to calls for greater transparency and accountability of research expenditures; and 4) the dearth of scholarship on impact contributes to a lack of understanding. Over the past two years, two engineering education researchers (London and Borrego) have been leading a study that is one of many steps toward greater clarity around the impact of EER&I. One of the outcomes of this study is the development of a conceptual framework on the impact of EER&I that is informed by input from the international engineering education community. Toward this end, they have hosted a 3-part workshop series to gather input on what should be included in the framework– the draft of which has been completed. The last workshop will be dedicated to finalizing the framework, evaluating its utility, and enabling discussions among various stakeholders about the impact of EER&I. This workshop is supported by NSF Grant #: EEC-1564629
The last workshop in the series will take place at Arizona State University in February 2018; they are seeking nominations for the workshop participants to ensure that they collectively represent a diversity of institution types, expertise relevant to the topic, and stakeholders in engineering education (e.g., researchers, administrators, officers who oversee research activities). For more information about the goals of the workshop, and to nominate participants, visit: https://asuengineering.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bJbVPjQWHxwQy0d
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